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当代教育的目标就是让学生学会学习,成为学习的主动者,而不是看学生学到了多少知识。在传统的体育教学中,教师是课堂的主宰者,学什么,怎么学,都是由教师说了算,最常用的教学方法就是讲解、示范与学生练习三个步骤,学生只是被动的模仿者。在这种教学方式的压力下,学生的学习方式变得非常单一,学生对体育学习没有兴趣。而新课程标准的颁布,要求学生的学习方式要改革,要求学生能进行合作学习、自主学习、探究学习,这就是所谓的三大学习方式。注重教师择学生的学法指导,让学生灵活的运用学习方法,形成自己合适的学习方式。这样的体育学习才充 The goal of contemporary education is to enable students to learn to learn, to become the active learning, rather than see how much knowledge the students learned. In the traditional physical education, teachers are the masters of the classroom, what to learn and how to learn are all by the teachers have the final say, the most common method of teaching is to explain, demonstrate and student practice three steps, the students are passive imitators . Under the pressure of this teaching method, the way students learn is very simple, students are not interested in sports learning. The promulgation of the new curriculum standards, requiring students to study the reform, requiring students to carry out cooperative learning, independent study, explore the study, which is the so-called three major learning methods. Teachers pay attention to the choice of students learn the guidance of law, so that students flexible use of learning methods to form their own suitable learning. This sports learning only filling
越南后黎朝(1428—1789年)末期学者黎贵?(Le Quy Don,1726—1784年),一生博览群书,躬行实践,不断思索天、地、人及三者相互关系的一些问题。他在接受中国古代传统思想以及西
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树立以人为本的思想,从学生自身需要出发,关注学生的个性、情感和道德,使之充满人文关怀,是语文教学不可忽视的因素。 To establish a people-oriented thinking, starting