
来源 :语文教学与研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:skljgsdklj
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什么是语感?简言之,就是对语言文字的感受能力和理解能力。文言语感就是对我国古代汉语言文字的感受和理解能力。这是阅读能力的一个重要组成部分。要想学好一门外语,必须培养较强的语感能力,学文盲文也是如此。如果具备了这种能力,在阅读过程中,就会产生一种“顿悟”。怎样培养文言语感呢?首先就应该多读、多背。从初中至高中,中学课本共入选了文言散文96篇,古代诗词曲137篇(包括初中课本附录的96首),明确要求背诵的篇章段落也不少。然而,中学生究竟做得怎样?真正能背下多少 What is the sense of language? In short, it is the ability to understand and understand the language. Classical sense of language is the ability to understand and understand ancient Chinese language and language in China. This is an important part of reading ability. If you want to learn a foreign language, you must cultivate a strong sense of language. If you have this ability, you will have an “enlightenment” in the reading process. How to cultivate a sense of classical language? First, we should read more and more back. From junior high school to high school, 96 textbooks in classical Chinese were included in the textbooks for middle schools, and 137 ancient poetry lyrics (including 96 in junior high school textbook appendices) were clearly included. However, what exactly are middle school students doing? How much can they actually do?
题△ABC为正三角形,△DEF为它的内接三角形,证明△DEF的周长≥1/2△ABC的周长。解1 如图,设AD=x_1,DB=x_2,BE=y_1,EC=y_2,CF=z_1,FA=z_2,DF=t_1,DE=t_2,EF=t_3。 The quest
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1.设计精妙,培养能力。教师要对提问进行巧妙设计,重在培养学生的思维能力和学生理论联系实际的能力。 2.目标明确,把握方向。教师提问要有内在意图,提问不能笼统,不能太抽
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