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“除了……”指的是部分与整体(或包含、或无关、或属于、或附加)的关系。它通常用下列词汇表达。 1.apart from含有两层意思。例如①Apart from the water in it,an apple has a lot of sugar.(apart from=besides)苹果里除了有水份外,还含有不少糖份。②She was a good girl apart from a little shortcoming.(apart from=except for)除了有点小毛病外,她还是个好女子。 2.aside(from)可以置于名词之前;也可置于名词之后,构成独立成份。例如:①Aside from being fun and good exercise,swimming is a very useful skill.除了娱乐和锻炼之外,游泳还是一种技巧。②Small problem aside,the exhibition was a success.除了一些小毛病外,展览会还是成功的。 3.bar(=barring)口语常用。例如:We shall come on time bar(barring)traffic delay.除非路上交通耽搁,我们将准时到达。 4.beyond=except用于否定句和疑问句中。例如:There isn’t much they can do for him,beyond giving him their sympathy.他们除了对他表示同情外,几乎是束手无策。 beyond后还可以接that(what…)+clause例如:We can do nothing to help them beyond what have “In addition to...” refers to the relationship between a part and the whole (either contained, not related, or belonged to, or added). It is usually expressed in the following terms. 1.apart from has two meanings. For example, 1Apart from the water in it, an apple has a lot of sugar. (apart from=besides) Apple contains a lot of sugar in addition to water. 2) She was a good girl apart from a little shortcoming. (Apart from = except for) She was a good woman except for a few minor problems. 2.aside(from) can be placed before a noun; it can also be placed after a noun to form an independent component. For example: 1Aside from being fun and good exercise, swimming is a very useful skill. In addition to entertainment and exercise, swimming is still a skill. 2 Small problem aside, the exhibition was a success. Except for minor problems, the exhibition was successful. 3.bar (=barring) spoken language commonly used. For example: We shall come on time bar (barring) traffic delay. We will arrive on time unless the traffic on the road is delayed. 4.beyond=except is used in negative sentences and questions. For example: There isn’t much they can do for him, beyond giving him their sympathy. In addition to their sympathy for him, they are almost helpless. Beyond can also take that(what...)+clause for example: We can do nothing to help them beyond what have have
有些小马虎平时做作业不大认真,常常不加标点符号,甚至认为可有可无,无关大局、这是十分错误的。先列举二例趣闻,读后你就会认为逗号虽小,切不可等闲视之。 例1:有个学生名