Use Propp Narrative Theoretical to Analysis Grimm’s Fairy Tales

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  【Abstract】Propp, a famous Russian linguist, pioneered the study of the types of narrative structure, breaking the traditional method of classifying fairy tales according to their characters and themes. The way of analysis the story unit and their interrelation that he used has very important reference value for the analysis of narrative style.
  【Key words】Propp; Narrative theory; Grimm’s Fairy Tales
  Propp consider that story’s basic unit is character’s behavior function. Propp summing up 7 characters and 31 behaviors function by analysis Russian Folk Tales.
   is German folk literature which collected, collated and processed by German linguist The Grimm Brothers. It focuses on narrative and openness, and has the narrative characteristics of folk fairy tales and creative fairy tales.
  Ⅰ.Role Analysis
  Propp’s study found that seven types of Role-setting are contained in 31 narrative functions, which contains villain, donor, helper, Princess princess, dispatcher, hero and false hero.
  Take Sleeping Beauty as an example. The princess is both a princess and a hero. The thirteenth witch who curses the princess is the villain. The witch who alleviates the curse and lets the princess sleep for a hundred years is the donor. The prince as a helper and a hero, he kissed the princess, awaken her.
  In The Singing Bone, the king is the dispatcher, the small man who gives the spear to his brother is the donor, and the brother kills the wild boar with the spear, which is the hero. My brother killed his brother as a villain and a fake hero. The shepherd played his music with his brother’s bones, which made his brother grievous. The king sent a man to dig out the bones of his brother and bury them. He was also a helper.
  In Sleeping Beauty, the prince is both a helper and a hero; in Singing Bones, the king is initially a dispatcher, but later a helper. It can be seen that these characters play different narrative roles at different stages and moments of the story.
  Ⅱ. Narrative Characteristics
  A. formula beginning and ending
  There were once a man and a woman who had long in vain wished for a child.
  He led her to his kingdom where he was joyfully received, and they lived for a long time afterwards, happy and contented.
  long long ago,there were a king and a queen.they prayed everyday:“what if we have a child?”   The prince and princess loved each other and they held a grant wedding ceremony and lived happily ever after.
  ——《sleeping beauty》
  At the beginning, we always set time as the past, which is just a narrative strategy of vague time concept. Let people faintly believe that the story exists, but do not know the specific time, blurred the reality and unrealistic boundaries, so that readers look forward to follow-up development. The end is always the triumph of justice over evil, and the happy life of men and women. As Romanian folklorist Mikhail Ibop says, fairy tales begin by introducing the reader from reality into unreality, and the end of fairy tales brings them back to reality from unreality.
  B. the narrative sequence is based on positive narration
  Perhaps considering that the audience of fairy tales is dominated by children, Grimm’s Fairy Tales are usually written in chronological order of occurrence, development and ending rather than in narrative order such as flashbacks and interludes. Fairy tales are arranged from head to tail, orderly and clear.
  Cinderella is also written in strict chronological order. It is not a typical Grimm’s Fairy Tales, though it can arouse readers’curiosity, if the prince is asked to try crystal shoes, then the stepmother bullies Cinderella and loses them at the dance.
  C. Flat Character
  Grimm’s fairy tales are flat figures Flat Character instead of round characters Round Character. For example, stepmother is a pure villain, “Snow White” stepmother killed Snow White several times, “Gin Tree” stepmother even boiled the man into broth. The princess or prince is beautiful, kind, handsome and brave. Their character is extremely simple and thin, and their character will not change with the change of plot. The existence of stepmother is to embarrass the protagonist, and the existence of heroes is to save the protagonist. Although it is easy for readers to recognize and remember them, the characters are too shallow and lack space for recreation.
  [1]Propp.Morphology of the Folktale[J].China Publishing House,2006.
  [2]Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm.Grimm’s Fairy Tales[J].Shanghai Translation Publishing House,2006.
【摘要】在初中英语教学中,尤其是写作的教学至关重要。随着教改的新形势下,思维导图的运用在初中英语写作中,给英语教学带来了教学上的进步。对于学生来说,思维导图的引用,将抽象化的东西变得更加具体,思路也变得更加清晰。今天,我们就对初中英语写作教学中思维导图的应用做出简单的分析与探索。  【关键词】思维导图;初中英语;写作教学;应用  【作者简介】孙德春,南京市江北新区九龙中学。  引言  对于初中英语
【摘要】热身是教学的首要环节,一堂课热身环节的成与败直接影响整堂课的效果。热身要避免时间过长和生搬硬套的做法,根据教材与学生实际适当导入,激活学生已有知识,启发他们思考,从而为他们进一步学习新内容做铺垫。  【关键词】热身环节的误区;热身环节的技巧  【作者简介】朱晓燕(1984.3-),女,江苏无锡人,无锡外国语学校,讲师。  新课程改革理念指出关注学生发展,强调教师成长。教师课前设计的热身环节
【摘要】英语和汉语中的否定存在许多差异,这给翻译实践造成诸多困难,目前研究否定结构的翻译并不是很多,尽管各种翻译教材中都会谈及否定的翻译,但大多只是对否定句类型进行分类,然后给出例子和参考译文,归纳总结否定句翻译方法的很少。基于此,本文以翻译实践中的一篇文章为基础,探讨否定结构的翻译方法,对其进行归纳总结。  【关键词】否定结构;翻译方法  【作者简介】庄辰晨(1993.11-),女,汉族,江苏宿
【摘要】听、说、读、写都是学习英语要掌握的基础,评价一个人的英语水平的好坏也是从这些点出发。本文来探讨初中英语的听力教学。随着英语的教育普及,普遍的发现学生的英语听力的能力相比于其他学科相对薄弱。这就反映出在英語听力教学的方法上存在的问题了,所以如何寻找到好的听力教学方法是我们在英语教学中遇到的一大考验。我们要认识英语听力教学的现状,分析存在的问题并总结出一些如何提高学生听力能力实践对策。  【关
【摘要】为促进乡村英语教师专业成长,提出了以名师工作室引领的跟团教研的策略。  【关键词】跟团教研;教师专业化 ;有效策略  【作者简介】陆海生,江苏省东海县驼峰中学。  “跟团教研是基于英语教师专业发展的研究要求和英语教师自身专业成长的需要,由学校展开和发起,以名师工作室为研究单位,立足于英语教师的工作实际,进行有组织、有计划、有目的、有针对性的跟团群体性自主研究活动。” “跟团教研”的内容较为
【摘要】现阶段的小学英语教育一直存在的问题大致有两点,第一,传统的课堂授课模式,只存在“一教一听”,毫无互动可言;第二,英语课堂上“说”很少,教很多。学英语的根本目的在于学以致用,单纯只为了应付考试而学英语是毫无意义可言的,当代教学环境中,“哑巴式”英语教学仍然大量存在。问题教学法的出现有效解决了现如今学生“学习英语难”的问题。  【关键词】问题教学法;英语教学;小学英语  【作者简介】胡陈子,江
【摘要】“一带一路”战略的提出与实施为中国文化对外传播与交流构筑了良好的平台,为新时期下旅游文化的外宣翻译实践与研究指明了方向。本文以榆林旅游外宣文本的英译为例,探讨对旅游景点名称、景点导游词以及相关历史人物、事件的翻译中可采用的翻译方法。  【关键词】一带一路;榆林旅游文化;外宣翻译  【作者简介】艾玉(1980.12-),女,陕西米脂人,榆林学院,硕士研究生,副教授,研究方向:翻译理论与实践。