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哲理的故事:第二次世界大战期间,苏德双方激战正酣。一天,苏军统帅朱可夫接到斯大林密电,必须在一周内的某个夜晚,要对人数远远超过自己的德军发起袭击,彻底摧毁他们的防线。接到密令后,朱可夫马上开始筹备,当他发现天气预报显示下周有一天晚上是阴雨天时,他决定就将偷袭定在那天。但就在一切准备就绪的时候,当天晚上却并没有下雨,反而月光照亮了整个天空,此时苏军如果出击肯定会立马被德 Philosophical story: During the Second World War, the Soviet Union and Germany both sides fighting intensely in full swing. One day, Soviet commander Zhukov received a telegram from Stalin that he must, one night within a week, launch an attack on far more people than his own German army and completely destroy their defenses. Upon receiving the secret order, Zhukov began preparations immediately, and when he found that the weather forecast showed that it was a rainy day one evening next week, he decided to set the attack on that day. But when everything was ready, it did not rain that night, but the moon shone through the sky, and the Soviet troops would surely be Germany immediately
双极膜技术是一种新型的离子交换复合膜,它在无机盐工业中得到广泛的应用,双极膜的操作简单、排放污染物少、能有效的提高工作效率,对化学工程建设有着重要的作用。 Bipolar
Objective To investigate the clinical features and management of ureteral endometriosis. Methods Patients surgically and histologically diagnosed as ureteral en
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We review our recent work on the methodology development of the excited-state properties for the molecules in vacuum and liquid solution.The general algorithms