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介绍了几种常用的干法刻蚀技术的机理,重点介绍了离子束刻蚀的基本原理,给出了55种不同材料在500eV能量1mA/cm2束流密度条件下的刻蚀速率,并给出了刻蚀速率随束流能量和束流密度增加而增加的试验结果和实际图形刻蚀的扫描电镜分析结果,对有关问题进行了讨论。 The mechanism of several commonly used dry etching techniques is introduced. The basic principle of ion beam etching is introduced. The etching rates of 55 different materials under the beam current density of 500eV and 1mA / cm2 are given. The results of the experiment that the etching rate increases with the increase of the beam energy and the beam current density and the result of scanning electron microscopy of the actual pattern etching are also discussed.
Increased resting energy expenditure (REE) is a possible explanation for the negative energy balance seen in children with Alagille syndrome (AGS).We evaluated
Chemical modification(CM)and deposition-precipitation(DP)methods were used for the dispersion of active Au nanoparticles on mesoporous silica materials in this
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为了降低Ⅲ族氮化物材料和器件的成本 ,必须开发大尺寸的Ⅲ族氮化物MOVPE生长的反应器。本文报道了EMCORE公司的一种带有旋转盘的立式反应器 ,其中的衬底片载盘直径为 32 5mm
2004年是北京市实施农村优抚、社救对象危旧房翻建维修工作第四个三年规划的第一年,此项工作已被列为今年市政府 2004 is the first year in Beijing for the implementati
采用能量 2 Ge V、剂量 10 1 0— 10 1 3cm- 2的 Ar+辐照 P型 Cd0 .96 Zn0 .0 4Te材料 ,对辐照前后和不同辐照剂量的样品进行了电学测试和光致发光研究 .实验结果和分析表明