Translation of Culturally—loaded Words from Perspective of Power Discourse in the Context of Globali

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  I. Introduction
  In the context of cultural globalization, Western culture is trying to force them to influence Eastern culture. Translation is one of the means by which we can use the power of spreading Eastern culture to the world and maintaining our proper discourse power in world cultural exchanges. Culturally-loaded words can best represent the cultural characteristics of a nation. The translation of culturally loaded words is an effective means of maintaining a national cultural identity. There are usually two strategies for translating culturally loaded words: foreignization and Domestication.
  II. Power Discourse and Translation
  The so-called power discourse proposed by Foucault refers to all control and power. Discourse is the subject of thought and writing, so translation is a key part and perfect choice for disclosing the power network below. In translation practice, the power difference between strong culture and weak culture leads to the discourse imbalance in the translation process, the choice of source text, the choice of translation strategy, and even the translation theory between the two cultures. There is no doubt that the translation strategy used is subject to power constraints. The relationship between power and translation is obvious and two-way. On the one hand, translation is manipulated by power. On the other hand, translation can demonstrate its power in the process of intercultural communication.
  III. Culturally-loaded Words
  Culturally-loaded words refer to words and expressions that are rich in cultural or cultural connotations in a particular culture. They carry a unique cultural carrier that often hinders cross-cultural communication.
  Culturally loaded words we can infer that there is always a cultural imbalance between English and Chinese. For example, “竹(bamboo)” is often used to express the firmness and integrity of a person’s character, such as “胸有成竹” and “勢如破竹”, but “bamboo” is just the name of a certain plant, and there is no associative meaning in English..
  IV. Translation Strategy for Culturally-loaded Words from The Perspective of Power Discourse
  Domestication is the term used by Venuti to describe translation strategies, using a transparent, fluid style to minimize the strangeness of the target language readers to foreign languages; alienation is the term deliberately destroying the target convention by preserving the original foreign object.
  Venuti (1995) believes that the alienation strategy helps to break the target norms, retain the original heterogeneous elements, eliminate inequalities in cultural exchanges, resist cultural hegemony, and enable readers to fully experience foreign cultures and customs. However, the purpose of the domestication strategy underestimates the reader’s subjective initiative and deprives the target readers of their knowledge of foreign cultures and customs.   V. Foreignization Translation Strategy for Chinese Culturally-loaded Words
  In the context of globalization Chinese translators should try to retain the unique characteristics of Chinese culture and help Chinese culture to enjoy its due power of discourse in world cultural exchange. And foreignization is the better strategy .
  Specific approaches like (1)Transliteration, which is transcribing words into corresponding letters of another language.清明节can be translated as: Qingming- a traditional Chinese holiday to commemorate the dead observed in spring. When first translating, we add supplementary explanation.(2)Literal Translation.We mean the word-for-word translation of the source language version. “纸老虎” can just be literally translated as “paper tiger”, both the original image and the rhetoric characteristics retained and vividly presented for target readers. (3)Transliteration or Literal Translation with explanation. There is a need to add some in-text explanation to the translation in order to make sense. “头戴纱帽” should be translated as “wearing an official gauze cap”,in which the explanatory “official” should be added, because in Chinese culture, “gauze cap” is not only a kind of cap but also a symbol of official rank. If we only translate“纱帽”into “gauze cap”, the cultural flavor will be lost. (4) Descriptive Translation (Paraphrasing).It refers to a way of describing things or actions so it is also paraphrasing. “請安”,an etiquette of Chinese, is translated by Yang Xianyi in “A Dream of Red Mansion” into “went down on one’s knees in salute”.
【摘要】对于我国来说,社会经济以及科学技术不断的发展促使人们的生产和生活以及学习等方面都有了迅速的发展。尤其对于互联网和信息技术方面的发展,对我国教育行业有着深远的影响。目前,对于互联网 的背景下,大学英语的教学有了突破性的进展,也进一步加强了其自身课堂学习和教学的效率。因此,本文主要分析和研究了互联网 对于大学英语课堂中的主要的影响以及新模式的分析。  【关键词】“互联网 ”;大学英语;教学;新
【摘要】近年来,教育改革不断深入,传统的英语教学模式已经无法适应当前教育发展的需要,初中英语教学面临着巨大挑战。随着现代科技的发展,我国进入了“互联网 ”时代,在此背景下,以生为本的“翻转课堂”模式应运而生,现已被广大教师接受并尝试,且取得了显著的教学效果。本文通过介绍翻转课堂教学模式的特点及意义,详细阐述了翻转课堂模式在初中英语课堂教学中的具体应用。  【关键词】翻转课堂模式;初中英语;应用  
【摘要】在本文中,我将从整合教学资源、设置问题链等方面入手,就如何在高中英语教学活动开展中实施主题语境教学进行详细说明,借此帮助学生更好地理解文本内涵,使其养成良好的阅读习惯,提升其英语学习水平。  【关键词】高中英语;主题语境设计;运用对策  【作者简介】刘崇华,福建省泉州市培元中学。  纵观《普通高中英语课程标准(2017年版)》,其中明确提出了立德树人的根本任务,要求教师在教学活动开展中采取
【摘要】随着中国经济的飞速发展和教育的国际化趋势不断加强,汉语教学的国际化也在逐渐成为主趋势。笔者作为一名国际汉语教师,根据多年的教学经验,主要从汉语国际教学的现状、公共外交礼仪存在的问题和解决办法以及教学中的公共外交礼仪探讨三方面来分析汉语国际教学中应该掌握的外交礼仪和维护的国际尊严。  【关键词】汉语国际教学;公共外交礼仪;探讨  汉语教育的推广和对外交流生的增多,汉语国际教学变得越来越重要。
【摘要】随着教育改革的不断深入,英语成为人们生活交流的一种重要语言之一,英语教学也受到社会各界的关注和重视。在实际的教学活动中,除了传授学生基本理论知识以外,核心素养成为课堂教学的重要目标,应当重视学生核心素养培养。通过学生核心素养培养,培养学生自主学习的良好习惯,提高学生英语综合素质,为英语的学习和应用奠定基础。文章中结合初中英语教学,提出几点核心素养培养策略。  【关键词】初中英语;核心素养;
【摘要】通过研究中职学校体育教学模式的改革与实践,不仅可以优化现有教育资源,整合教育框架,还可以促进课程教育的健康发展。基于此,下文紧紧围绕中职学校体育教学改革进行分析,以期起到提升课程教育质量的效果。  【关键词】中职学校;体育;改革  【作者简介】周印佳,陕西省电子信息学校。  受应试教育的影响,体育学科长期得不到重视,缺乏相应的教学理论,对教育模式的研究多半滞留在原有模式的改进上。从当前中职