
来源 :高中生之友 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong498
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一、2005年命题动向2004年是全国高考试题百花齐放的一年,关于古诗鉴赏的各种命题思路和技巧给了我们很多启迪。(一)在选材上仍以浅显易懂、意象鲜明、特色明显、健康向上、富有美感的诗词为主。纵观2004年的15道古诗鉴赏题,虽有唐诗宋词,也有宋诗唐词,但从理解的角度来看,都没有为难考生。因为鉴赏是建立在正确理解的基础之上的,如果所选诗词晦涩难 First, the trend of propositions in 2005 was a year in which the national examination questions blossomed. The various ideas and techniques for appreciating the ancient poetry gave us a lot of inspiration. (1) In terms of material selection, there are still poems that are easy to understand, vivid, distinctive, healthy, and aesthetically pleasing. Looking at the 15 ancient poetry appreciation questions in 2004, although there were Tang poetry and poetry, there were also Song poetry and Tang poetry. However, from the point of view of understanding, none of them were difficult candidates. Because appreciation is based on correct understanding, if the selected poetry is difficult
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北京第二实验小学的特级教师霍懋征同志,在长期的教学实践中积累了丰富的经验。她精心设计的语文课板书,条理清楚,简明扼要,各有特色。下面辑录几则,供同志们参考。 Comrad
我 觉 得 学 习 英 语 和 学 习 其 他 功 课 一 样 ,除 了 勤 奋 ,还 要 讲 究 方 法 。 这 可是 我 的 一 点 学 习 经 验 哟 。 首 先 ,充 分 利 用 课 堂 45 分 钟 。
Landslide is one kind of geologic hazards that often happens all over the world.It brings huge losses to human life and property;therefore,it is very important