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2014年6月20日,香港政府正式就审计师监管改革提出立法建议并展开公众咨询。2015年6月26日,香港政府公布公众咨询总结。在改革建议中,财务汇报局监管职能将拓展至监察上市公司审计师,并被赋予查核及纪律处分权。根据改革建议,日后财汇局将通过分别来自上市实体、证券交易及上市实体审计师的征费,等额负担该局的经费。该局日后应最少有两名成员具备执行香港上市实体审计工作的知识和经验,以确保财汇局由具备专业知识的成员组成。同时,香港会计师公会将在财汇局的独立监察下,履行有关上市实体审计师注册、专业进修规定的制订、专业道德标准及审计和核证准则的制订的法定职能。同时,财汇局人员亦分成负责调查或处分两批人,避免调查与处分有所冲突;香港政府会成立独立上诉审裁处,供被裁定违规的审计师上诉。在整个审计师监管制度改革过程中,政府与会计师公会之间关于监管权限重新分配问题一直存在巨大冲突,反映出行政压力下自律监管传统的挣扎。 On June 20, 2014, the Hong Kong government formally proposed legislative advice and conducted public consultation on the regulatory reform of auditors. June 26, 2015, the Hong Kong government announced the public consultation concluded. In the reform proposals, the regulatory functions of the FRC will be expanded to oversee the auditors of listed companies and be empowered to check and disciplinary actions. According to the reform proposals, in the future, the Treasury Bureau will pay the bureau’s expenses in equal amounts through levies from the listed entities, securities exchanges and listed entity auditors respectively. In the future, the Bureau should have at least two members with the knowledge and experience of conducting audit work in Hong Kong listed entities to ensure that the Treasury Bureau is made up of members with specialized knowledge. In the meantime, the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants will perform the statutory functions of the auditing of listed entities, formulation of professional training requirements, professional ethics standards and the development of audit and certification guidelines under the independent supervision of the Treasury Department. In the meantime, people from the Treasury Department are also divided into two groups responsible for investigating or punishing two groups of people to avoid any conflict of investigation and sanctions. The Hong Kong Government will set up an independent appeal tribunal for appeal to the auditors who have been convicted of non-compliance. Throughout the reform of the regulatory system of auditors, there has been a huge conflict between the government and the accountants’ association on the redistribution of regulatory authority, reflecting the traditional struggle of self-regulation under the administrative pressure.
如何基于生活化教学背景,实现小学古诗文的高效教学,成为相关教育者需要重点思考的问题。本文以长春版小学语文教材为例,着重探究生活化教学背景下的古诗文教学。 How to re
有些数学问题条件和结论之间的关系比较复杂,根据既定法则和事实条件,由因导果,一直推究下去,有时会在中途迷失方向,使解题无法进行下去.在这种情况下,可以运用执果索因的解题方法,从结论逆行考虑问题,去寻觅结论成立的一些条件(隐含条件、过渡条件等),由欲知确定需知,求需知利用已知,往往会收到柳暗花明又一村的效果.  一、执果索因确定需知  评析:从上面的分析过程中可以看出:从“未知”看“需知”,逐步靠拢
The peaT1 gene fragment was amplified from pGEM-6p-1-peaT1 by PCR,and recovered target gene was cloned into pLexA vector.After digestion and sequencing,the bait
同学们,注意了,《少年写作》已全面改版!假如你有什么好的建议和想法,寄给我们,会有意想不到的惊喜哦!还犹豫什么,赶快行动吧! Students, pay attention, “Junior Writing
巴克老爹坐在公园的长椅上休息,有个小孩站在他旁边很久,一直不走,巴克很奇怪,就问:“小天使,你为什么老站在这里?” Buck dad sitting on a bench in the park to rest, a