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随着公民民主权利意识和法治观念的日益增强,舆情民意一方面助推司法公正,促进司法改革。另一方面,由于舆情民意自身存在的自发性、快速性、爆发性、盲目性等局限,某种程度上阻碍了司法的独立性,并影响着司法公正。如何实现二者的衡平,达到社会效果与法律效果的统一,是值得探讨的问题。 With the growing awareness of the democratic rights of citizens and the concept of the rule of law, public opinion and public opinion help boost judicial justice and promote judicial reform. On the other hand, due to the spontaneous, rapid, explosive and blindness of public opinion and public opinion, the independence of the judiciary and the justice of the judiciary have been hindered to a certain extent. How to achieve the balance between the two and achieve the unification of social and legal effects is a question worth exploring.
本组文章从不同的角度介绍了中小学阅读教学改革的做法和经验,供广大语文教师参考。 This group of articles introduced the practice and experience of reading teaching
本组文章从不同的角度介绍了中小学阅读教学改革的做法和经验,供广大语文教师参考。 This group of articles introduced the practice and experience of reading teaching
本组文章从不同的角度介绍了中小学阅读教学改革的做法和经验,供广大语文教师参考。 This article introduces the practice and experience of reading teaching reform in
本组文章从不同的角度介绍了中小学阅读教学改革的做法和经验,供广大语文教师参考。 This group of articles introduced the practice and experience of reading teaching
语言学习有时是枯燥无味的。如何在现有的教学条件下,调动学生学习英语的积极性,王瑞平等4位老师做了一些有益的探索。 Language learning is sometimes boring. How to mob
语言学习有时是枯燥无味的。如何在现有的教学条件下,调动学生学习英语的积极性,王瑞平等4位老师做了一些有益的探索。 Language learning is sometimes boring. How to mob
语言学习有时是枯燥无味的。如何在现有的教学条件下,调动学生学习英语的积极性,王瑞平等4位老师做了一些有益的探索。 Language learning is sometimes boring. How to mob
语言学习有时是枯燥无味的。如何在现有的教学条件下,调动学生学习英语的积极性,王瑞平等4位老师做了一些有益的探索。 Language learning is sometimes boring. How to mob