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目的:观察正畸治疗对牙周炎垂直型骨吸收患者牙周状况的影响。方法::随访观察37例伴垂直骨吸收牙周炎的错牙合患者,对比正畸治疗前、后及治疗后6个月,牙槽嵴高度、骨缺损量及牙槽骨骨密度,并进行统计学分析。结果:在治疗完成时和治疗后6个月随访时,垂直吸收位点检出率明显减低,牙周探诊深度(probing depth,PD)和临床附着丧失(clinical attachment loss,CAL)较治疗前均有明显降低(P<0.05),Ⅰ度松动牙数增多,而Ⅱ度松动牙数则减少。但在治疗完成时探诊出血指数(bleeding on probing,BOP)较治疗前升高。治疗后6个月随访时与治疗后比较,垂直吸收位点检出率和BOP、PD明显降低,Ⅱ度松动牙数明显减少(P<0.05)。釉牙骨质界至骨缺损间的距离(CEJ-BD)、骨缺损深度(bone destruction depth,BDD)在治疗完成时和治疗后6个月随访时,均较治疗前明显减小,而缺损区域的牙槽骨密度则有明显增加,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:采用低摩擦及轻力的正畸治疗,能迅速排齐牙列、消除咬合创伤,并促进垂直吸收的牙槽骨进行改建,重建咬合平衡,改善牙周健康状况。 Objective: To observe the effect of orthodontic treatment on periodontal status of patients with periodontal bone resorption. Methods: A total of 37 patients with malocclusion with vertical bone resorption of periodontitis were followed up. The height of alveolar ridge, bone defect and alveolar bone density were compared before and after orthodontic treatment and 6 months after treatment. Statistical analysis. Results: At the completion of treatment and 6 months after treatment, the detection rate of vertical absorption sites was significantly decreased. The probing depth (PD) and clinical attachment loss (CAL) (P <0.05). The number of loosening in Ⅰ degree increased, while the number of loosening degree in Ⅱ degree decreased. However, bleeding on probing (BOP) increased at the completion of treatment compared with that before treatment. At 6 months after treatment, the detection rate of vertical absorption sites, BOP and PD decreased significantly, and the number of loosening Ⅱ significantly decreased (P <0.05). (CEJ-BD) and bone destruction depth (BDD) of glaucoma between the cementum and bone defects were significantly reduced at the time of treatment and at 6 months after treatment compared with that before treatment, while the defect The alveolar bone density in the region was significantly increased, the difference was statistically significant (P <0.05). Conclusion: The orthodontic treatment with low friction and mild stress can quickly align the dentition, eliminate the occlusal trauma, promote the vertical alveolar bone remodeling, reconstruct the occlusal balance and improve the periodontal health.
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2013年10月11日,北京—霍尼韦尔RMG于今日推出PGC9303过程气相色谱仪(PGC 9303 Process Gas Chromatograph),这款能够在单一装置中测量天然气质量与氢氧成分的装置。德国联邦