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高考历史已从知识型考试转化为能力型的考试.作为中学历史教师在传授历史基础知识的同时,如何着力培养学生运用历史唯物主义的基本观点观察和分析问题的能力呢?一、培养学生对历史人物进行具体分析和恰当评价的能力历史是一个充满矛盾的错综复杂的发展过程,历史上一切人物的思想和行动,都离不开当时的社会条件,只有把历史人物放在一定的历史范围和阶级斗争的环境中进行具体分析,才能对各种各样的历史人物作出恰当的评价.方法是“阶段论”和“方面论”.评价的标准是看他们对历史的发展起进步还是消极作用.在教学中,我帮助学生把历史人物总结归类为6种类型. The history of college entrance examination has been transformed from a knowledge-based examination to a competency-based examination. As a middle school history teacher, while teaching basic knowledge of history, how can we focus on developing students’ ability to observe and analyze problems using the basic viewpoint of historical materialism? The ability history of historical figures to conduct concrete analysis and proper evaluation is a complex development process full of contradictions. The thoughts and actions of all figures in history are inseparable from the social conditions at that time. Only the historical figures are placed in a certain historical range and A concrete analysis in the context of class struggle can give an appropriate assessment of various historical figures. The methods are “phase theory” and “aspect theory.” The criterion of evaluation is to see whether they have made progress or negative effects on the development of history. In teaching, I help students classify historical figures into six categories.
1.I suggested the person______to be put intopruson.A.referring B.referC.referred D.was able2.What ever do you consider______to thepoor?A.taking place B.to have
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湖北作家邓一光的天性里面,始终流淌着激情、英雄的血液,情感充沛,男性气质逼人。这位“对战争年代有着别样的追忆与迷恋”的作家2005年推出 The nature of Hubei writer De