
来源 :当代戏剧 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qwc198762
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长期以来,戏曲要不要用景和如何用景,一直是个争论的问题。争论的实质,不是戏曲要不要用景,而是如何用景的问题。因此总结多年来戏曲在用景方面的经验教训,对促进戏曲的改革发展,是有一定现实意义的。戏曲从用一桌二椅的传统演出形式,发展到舞台上布景的逐步运用,推动了舞美艺术的发展,使舞台用景出现了异彩纷呈,争奇斗艳的新局面,改变了过去用景较实和追求幻觉布景的逼真效果及简单化“值班布景”的面貌。幻觉主义的景,往往 For a long time, it is always a controversial issue whether or not to use scenes and how to use scenes. The essence of the argument is not whether or not the opera should use the scenery, but how to use the scenery. Therefore, summing up the experiences and lessons of the opera in the scenery over the years, it is of certain realistic significance to promote the reform and development of the opera. The traditional opera form with two tables and one chair and the gradual application of scenery set on the stage propelled the development of the art of the stage and dance so that the scene of the stage appeared a new situation with colorful scenes and contests. The realistic effect of seeking hallucination scenery and simplifying the appearance of “scenery on duty”. The illusion of the King, often
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“鹜”、“骛”二字意义不同,但读音相同,字形相似,因此极易混淆。 “鹜”是个形声字,从鸟、敄声。本义是“家鸭”。《左传·襄公二十八年》:“公膳日双鸡,(?)人窃更之以鹜
an air cleaner employing pulse induced plasma chemical process to remove dust and carbon monoxide (CO) in road tunnels is presented, which is composed of mainly
针对教研组的教研活动的科学开展提出见解,指导教师如何更好地进行活动,对其中的要求逐一进行分析。 In response to the scientific research activities of teaching and