An air cleaner for road tunnels

来源 :Journal of Chongqing University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zjx000a
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an air cleaner employing pulse induced plasma chemical process to remove dust and carbon monoxide (CO) in road tunnels is presented, which is composed of mainly a precipitator, a reactor, a flow control system, a power supply and a measurement system. Its performances are studied in simulated air conditions. It is found that the rate of dust removal is dependent on the voltage of the pulse power, the distance between the two dust collecting plates of the electrostatic precipitator, the effective length of the precipitator and the air flow rate in the precipitator, and that of CO removal is affected by the voltage and frequency of the super pulse power, the air flow rate in the reactor and the relative humidity of air. Applying such an cleaner of a proper design to the treatment of polluted air at a flow rate of 7 m/s can achieve the rate of dust removal up to 93 % and that of CO removal up to 72.6 %, which efficiently controls the concentrations of CO and dust under allowable limits. It is implied that the proposed air cleaner is a potential solution to air control in road tunnels, and is prominent for its performances and saving the huge cost of longitudinal ventilation tunnel or vertical vent and ventilation facilities. an air cleaner employing pulse induced plasma chemical process to remove dust and carbon monoxide (CO) in road tunnels is presented, which is composed of mainly precipitator, a reactor, a flow control system, a power supply and a measurement system. are studied that the rate of dust removal is dependent on the voltage of the pulse power, the distance between the two dust collecting plates of the electrostatic precipitator, the effective length of the precipitator and the air flow rate in the precipitator, and that of CO removal is affected by the voltage and frequency of the super pulse power, the air flow rate in the reactor and the relative humidity of air. Applying such an cleaner of a proper design to the treatment of polluted air at a flow rate of 7 m / s can achieve the rate of dust removal up to 93% and that of CO removal up to 72.6%, which efficiently controls the concentrations of CO and dust under allowable limits. I t is implied that the proposed air cleaner is a potential solution to air control in road tunnels, and is prominent for its performances and saving the huge cost of longitudinal ventilation tunnel or vertical vent and ventilation facilities.
一、答: 1.商(殷商);甲骨。2.王维;孟浩然。3.长恨歌;琵琶行。4.楚辞;屈原。5.唐;杜甫。6.明;吴承思。7.东晋;桃花源。8.宋;李清照。9.清;吴敬梓。10.水经注。11.唐;宋。12.
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“鹜”、“骛”二字意义不同,但读音相同,字形相似,因此极易混淆。 “鹜”是个形声字,从鸟、敄声。本义是“家鸭”。《左传·襄公二十八年》:“公膳日双鸡,(?)人窃更之以鹜