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《找駱駝》是初小語文第七册上的一則寓言。这則寓言通过商人找走失的駱駝的故事,说明无论遇到什么事,必須細心观察,认真分析情况,才能找到解决問題的途径。故事语言比较浅显,含义也很明确,但为使讲读課文取得更好的效果,我根据課文內容,事先画了四幅图。第一幅图,路左边用浅色画上駱駝的脚印,路右边用深色画上駱駝的脚印;第二幅图,路左边画上半截的稀稀的草,路右边画上密密的草丛;第三幅图,路左边画上許多蒼蝇在吃蜜,路右边画上許多螞蚁在运米;第四幅图,画上几片有駱駝牙齿的痕迹的大树叶。(編者按:讲解这一課文,是否需要画图,而且 “Looking for camels” is a parable on the seventh day of elementary school. This allegory tells the story of a lost camel by a businessman, explaining that no matter what happens, careful observation and careful analysis of the situation are necessary to find a solution to the problem. The story language is relatively simple, the meaning is also very clear, but in order to make reading the text to achieve better results, according to the content of the text, draw four pictures in advance. The first picture, the left side of the road with light colors painted camel's footprints, the road to the right with dark painted camel's footprints; the second picture, left half of the painting on the sparse grass, the right road painted dense Grass; the third picture, many flies on the left side of the road are drawing honey, many of the ants are being transported on the right side of the road; the fourth picture shows large leaves of traces of camels' teeth. (Editor's note: explain the text, whether you need to draw, but also
以下每题4分,共100分。 1.下边三个图中,都有一些三角形,在图A中有个;在图B中有_个;在图C中有_个。士困三 A BC 2.写出下面等式右边空白处的数,使等式能够成立: 0.6十0.06+0.
1 病例简介患者,男,30岁。因右小腿下段肿块7年,经外院穿刺作细胞学检查报告为右小腿低度恶性肉瘤,可能来自平滑肌。而于1998年9月21日就诊我院。检查:右小腿中下1/3交界处