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该论文首次报道了经由促雄性腺提取物的注射而在蟹类中引起的性逆转现象。此前关于蟹类促雄性腺活性研究的报道极少,而且蟹类的雄性化均是由促雄性腺的移植所产生。本实验中将锯缘青蟹和中华绒螯蟹的促雄性腺提取物分别注射到刚刚完成性别分化的中华绒螯蟹雌性幼蟹体内,此时幼蟹处于4至5期,壳宽为5~8 mm。注射之后,幼蟹经过大约1~2次蜕皮,此时在注射锯缘青蟹以及中华绒螯蟹的促雄性腺提取物的两组实验幼蟹中均能观察到雄性化现象,而注射生理盐水的对照组实验幼蟹中未能观察到相同现象。由此本实验可以证明促雄性腺确实是蟹类的一种雄性激素,注射促雄性腺提取物能引起雌性幼蟹发生性逆转;同时根据锯缘青蟹和中华绒螯蟹的促雄性腺提取物均能引起中华绒螯蟹雌性幼蟹发生性逆转的现象推测,锯缘青蟹和中华绒螯蟹两种间可能存在促雄性腺的交叉活性;不仅如此,性逆转还能在极低的注射剂量下获得,相当于中华绒螯蟹0.14促雄性腺当量和锯缘青蟹0.06促雄性腺当量。 For the first time, this paper reports the sexual reversal in crabs caused by the injection of androgen-releasing gonadal extract. Previous reports on the study of male gonadal activity of crabs were rare, and the masculinity of crabs was caused by the transplantation of male gonads. In this experiment, the male glandular extract of blue crab and Chinese mitten crab, respectively, were injected into the female crabs of the Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) which had just completed sex differentiation. At this time, the young crabs were in the period of 4 to 5 and the shell width was 5 ~ 8 mm. After injection, juvenile crabs were molted about 1 to 2 times after which maleation was observed in both groups of experimental crabs injected with blue-necked crab and Eriocheir sinensis extract, whereas injection of physiology The same phenomenon was not observed in saline control groups of experimental crabs. This experiment can prove that the male is indeed a male hormone of crabs androgen, injection of male gonads extract can cause sexual reversal of female larvae; the same time, according to blue-necked crab and Chinese mitten crab of the male gonadal extraction All can cause the female crab Eriocheir sinensis reversal of the phenomenon of speculation, there may exist between the blue-necked crab and Chinese mitten crab cross male sexual gland activity; not only that, sexual inversion can also be extremely low Injection dose, equivalent to 0.14 and Eriocheir sinensis male gland equivalent and malachite crab 0.06 androgen equivalent.
目的:探讨男性不孕不育症的少精子症和精子活动率低下,采用中西药结合治疗方法的效果。方法:治疗组 40例采用中西辨证施治,用补精 1号或补精 2号,辅以补中益气九,结合西药 HCG、葡萄糖酸锌
医学名词是医学概念的语言符号。随着医学科学的迅猛发展 ,研究领域日益扩大 ,新的医学名词也不断产生 ,统一和规范医学名词对推动医学知识的传播 ,提高医学文献的写作和检索
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男性性机能障碍成为社会广泛关注的疾病 ,且其形成原因复杂。目前 ,治疗该疾病的给药方法主要有注射和口服两种 ,经注射途径给药的药物有 :前列地尔、前列腺素E1和E2 、罂粟
用常规方法对体重(84.34±13.48)g、体长(17.51±0.72)cm的花鱼骨Hem ibarbus maculates的肌肉营养成分进行了分析。结果表明:花鱼骨肌肉鲜样中粗蛋白质、粗脂肪、水分和灰分