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在我国新一轮的基础教育课程改革中,数学课程是率先进行课程标准制订和改革的学科。时代发展说明数学在人类社会进程中起着极其重要的作用。如果“数学新数运动”掀开了西方近现代基础课程改革序幕的话,那么,我国从1999年开始的新一轮的数学课程标准的制订与改革标志着我国新世纪基础教育课程改革的正式启动。我国数学课程的改革是随着时代发展、信息技术的普及、科学技术的迅猛发展、数学本身的发展、我国教育普及程度的提高以及素质教育的深入发展的背景下开始的。数学课程标准的基本理念集中反映了我们对数学以及对数学教育的看法和理解,是我们从事数学教育教学工作的指导思想和行动的指南。本文就《全日制义务教育数学课程标准(实 In the new round of basic education curriculum reform in China, the mathematics curriculum is the first subject to formulate and reform curriculum standards. The development of the times shows that mathematics plays an extremely important role in the process of human society. If the “Mathematical New Number Movement” kicks off the prelude to the basic curriculum reform in the western modern and contemporary era, then the formulation and reform of the new round of mathematics curriculum standards that began in 1999 in China marked the official initiation of the basic education curriculum reform in the new century in China. . The reform of mathematics curriculum in China started with the development of the times, the popularization of information technology, the rapid development of science and technology, the development of mathematics itself, the improvement of the degree of education in China, and the in-depth development of quality education. The basic concepts of mathematics curriculum standards reflect our views and understanding of mathematics and mathematics education, and guide our thinking and actions in the teaching of mathematics education. This article is based on the Full-time Compulsory Education Mathematics Curriculum Standard
在国内,观赏鱼家族中又添一位新成员——匙吻鲟。它原产于北美洲.学名Polyodon spathula,也称匙吻白鲟,俗称鸭嘴鲟,在自然界中发现最大个体可达60kg,寿命可长达30年。它体形
不等式a2+b2≥2ab有许多变形,利用这些变形可以简便而灵活地解答不同类型的问题. 证在不等式a2+b2≥2ab两边同时加a2+b2得 The inequality a2+b2≥2ab has many deformatio
语言文学学习领域:包括语文、外语学科。数学学习领域:数学学科。 Language and Literature Learning areas: including Chinese and foreign language subjects. Mathemati
具有奇偶性的函数有以下重要的性质:(1)若f(x)为奇函数,且定义域包含0,则f(0)=0;(2)若f(x)为偶函数,则f(-x)=f(x)=f(| x |)若在解题中能灵活运用上面的性质,可大大简化解题
61.试求出所有这样的正整数R1和R2,使得关于x的三次方程x3-R1x2-(R1+R22)x+R13-R23=0的三个根都是整数. 62.给定正整数k≥2,试求出所有的正整数 n,使得k = ([x]表示不大于x