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当今人类社会进入了经济持续发展与高速信息化的时代,我国沿着中国特色社会主义现代化方向发展,正经历着新的历史性转折,社会生活发生了复杂而深刻的变化。切实加强思想政治教育是构建社会主义和谐社会的一项重要工作。在新时期,“以人为本,构建社会主义和谐社会”已成为党的执政理念,构建和谐社会也成为我们的社会生活的目标。因此,我们的思想政治教育工作也围绕着和谐的这个主题进行展开,反过来,和谐的思想政治教育也可以促进和谐社会的发展。和谐在其中的具体表现为教育过程中的人本理念。思想政治教育是一门处理“人”的艺术,“人”是这门艺术中永恒的必然主体,人本理念始终贯彻着思想政治教育的全过程。人本理念要求思想政治教育不仅要关乎人、关乎人生、关乎生命的意义和价值、关乎精神生命创造力的生成,而且还要重视人的总体发展,弘扬人的主体性、倡导人文关怀,重视人的自我发展与人性的完满,是人性和谐的体现。 Nowadays, human society has entered an era of sustained economic development and high-speed informationization. Our country is developing along the direction of the socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics and is experiencing a new historical turning point. The social life has undergone complicated and profound changes. To strengthen ideological and political education is an important task in building a harmonious socialist society. In the new era, “people-oriented, building a socialist harmonious society ” has become the party’s governing concept, building a harmonious society has also become the goal of our social life. Therefore, our ideological and political education work also revolves around the theme of harmony. In turn, harmonious ideological and political education can also promote the development of a harmonious society. The concrete manifestation of harmony is the humanist concept in the process of education. Ideological and political education is an art dealing with “people ”, “person ” is an inevitable subject in this art, and humanism has always carried out the whole process of ideological and political education. The concept of humanism requires that ideological and political education not only involves people, lives related to the meaning and value of life, but also the generation of spiritual life creativity, but also attaches importance to the overall development of human beings, promotes the subjectivity of human beings and advocates humane care, attaches importance to The self-development of human beings and the complete human nature are the embodiment of the harmony of human nature.
此研究评价在激素、美沙拉明(mesalamine)治疗基础上口服环丙沙星对中、重度溃疡性结肠炎(UC)缓解的诱导和维持作用。 This study evaluated the induction and maintenanc
一、网络消费的特征新世纪的市场营销学将围绕消费者行为的最新变化和技术的创新而发展。网络消费因其特殊的消费环境和消费模式必然呈现出不同于传统消费的特征。 First, t