
来源 :思想政治课教学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nvllnvll
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中学政治课从今年起在初一、高一、高三三个年级同时使用新教材。教师在初次使用新教材时普遍感到对新教材的深、广度、重、难点掌握有一定困难,加之目前新教材教学参考资料又不多,所以在具体的教学过程中常有深浅难测之感。为此,我们在进行这三个年级的新教材培训中,组织了县中心组部分成员和部分任课教师,根据布卢姆教育目标分类学的理论,研究了新教材的学习水平的分类问题。根据布卢姆的认识领域的目标分类的基本理论。结合新教材和我县的特点,参考先进地区的研究成果,我们暂将学习水平分为了再认、再现、理解、综合(运用)、评价五个层次,各层次的含义如下: Middle school politics classes will use new materials at the same time in grades three, three and three in grade one, grade one and grade three. When teachers use new textbooks for the first time, they generally feel that they have some difficulties in mastering the depth, breadth, weight, and difficulty of new textbooks. In addition, there are not many reference materials for new textbooks, so there are often deep and unpredictable feelings in the specific teaching process. To this end, during the training of new grades in these three grades, we organized some members of the county central group and some of the classroom teachers to study the classification of new textbooks based on the theory of Bloom’s educational target taxonomy. The basic theory of classification of objects according to Bloom’s field of knowledge. Combining the new teaching materials and the characteristics of our county, with reference to research results in advanced regions, we have temporarily divided the learning level into five levels: recognition, reproduction, understanding, synthesis (application), and evaluation. The meaning of each level is as follows:
Annual freezing and thawing index of 7 meteorological stations along the Qing- hai-Xizang Railway were calculated based on daily maximum and minimum temperature
“纠正正、反函数图象问题上的一种看法”(《数学通报》1983年第4期)一文中所提出的各观点,本人都赞成,只是对该文的一段叙述有些补充,提出与该文作者及老师们交流有不妥 A
1.设在O成公长二范围内,方程 eosZ劣+4asin公+a一2==0具有两个不同解,试求a的取值范围. 解;把方程变形为 (1一2 sinZ公)+4a,in劣+a一2=0即ZsinZ劣一4asinZ一a+1=0.令。in二二