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半是海水,半是火焰——两组调查数据引起的反思一组数据显示,北京市目前共有行政村3978个,可是基层组织中基本上没有本科大学生,通过自学获得专科文凭者也仅仅占村级干部的20%。另一组数据则显示,05年全国普通高校毕业生人数338万,教育部公布:截止到05年9月1日,05年高校毕业生就业率为72.6%.近三成学生未能顺利就业,这个数字就是100万!一边是,长期形成的村干部产生办法和渠道,使在任村干部年龄偏大、文化偏低、能力偏弱的弊病难以从根本上扭转。虽然,也有不少农村基层干部心存“领富”愿望,但面对市场经济的大潮和群众脱贫致富的诉求,心有余而力不足。一边是,随着干部人事制度改革的不断深入和国家取消高校毕业生统分政策,加之高校扩招后的大批学生陆续毕业,大学生就业难尤其在城市就业难的矛盾日渐突出。但对广麦的我国农村而言,这又无疑是人才资源的闲置和浪费。2004年12月,中共平谷区委、平谷区人民政府《关于促进农村发展公开招聘村民委员会主任助理的暂行办法》,根据农村经济社会发展的实际需要,采用政府雇员制的办法选拔人才任村主任助理。并由此“搅”活了一池春水,北京市“大学牛村官”计划正式启幕。 Half of the sea water, half a flame - a reflection of the survey data caused by two groups A set of data show that Beijing currently has a total of 3978 administrative villages, but grassroots organizations basically no undergraduate students, self-taught specialist diploma also only accounted for the village 20% of cadres. Another set of data shows that in 2005 the number of ordinary university graduates 3.38 million, the Ministry of Education announced: As of September 1, 2005, the employment rate of college graduates in 2005 was 72.6%. On the one hand, the formation of long-established village cadres has many ways and channels to make it hard for the cadres in the village who are over-aged, whose culture is low and whose abilities are weak, can hardly be reversed fundamentally. Although many grassroots cadres in rural areas still have the aspiration to “lead the rich,” they are far from adequate in the face of the tide of the market economy and the masses’ desire to get rid of poverty and prosperity. On the one hand, with the continuous deepening of the reform of the cadre and personnel system and the state’s graduation policy of university graduates, as well as the gradual graduation of a large number of students after the enrollment expansion, the contradiction between the employment difficulties for college students and the employment difficulties in cities has become increasingly prominent. But for Guangmai’s rural areas in China, this is undoubtedly the idleness and waste of human resources. In December 2004, the Interim Measures of Pinggu District CPC Committee and Pinggu District People’s Government on “Openly Recruiting the Auxiliary Officers of Villagers’ Committees in Rural Development”, according to the actual needs of rural economic and social development, the government employee system was adopted to select the chief of staff of the village assistant Manager. And thus “stir” live a pool of spring water, Beijing “University cow village officer” program officially opened.
作为新课程标准在普通高中体育教学的实践者,笔者通过对新课程标准的深入学习与研究,通过在教学中反复实践与探索以及事后的客观分析与反思,逐步总结出在高中学段实 As a ne