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本文首先结合中国引资开放的现状和当前以技术为核心的国际竞争格局,指出中国企业实施以获取技术为目标的国际化发展战略的必要性和紧迫性。然后,从技术获取型国际化的主要驱动力、相应模式和实现机制三个角度,深入探讨中国企业跨国发展战略转型的可能性和必然性。最后,针对中国企业实践国际化战略可能面临的各种风险和阻力,从宏观政府和微观企业两个层面,为确保中国企业技术获取型国际化发展战略的有效性和可持续性提出若干对策建议。 First of all, this article combines the current situation of China’s foreign capital and opening up and the current technology-centered international competition pattern, points out the necessity and urgency for Chinese enterprises to implement the internationalized development strategy aimed at acquiring technology. Then, from the perspectives of the main driving force, the corresponding mode and the realization mechanism of the technology acquisition-oriented internationalization, the paper probes deeply into the possibility and necessity of the strategic transformation of the transnational development of Chinese enterprises. Finally, in view of the various risks and resistances that Chinese enterprises may face in implementing internationalization strategy, this paper puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions on the validity and sustainability of Chinese enterprises’ technology acquisition-oriented internationalization strategy from two aspects: macro-government and micro-enterprise .
本文首先对哨声特别是低纬度哨声的研究作了简短的历史回顾;其次将武昌地区哨声的观测结果作了初步的报导,并略加讨论。 This paper first makes a brief historical review
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