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自1985年中共中央发布《关于我国教育体制改革的决议》以来,在国家教委和地方各级教育行政部门的认真准备和积极推动下,自1985年起即由小学至初中先后陆续实行九年义务教育,对我国广大中小学的教育改革起到了重要的促进作用。为了具体地贯彻落实九年制义务教育,国家教委于1985年秋成立了中小学教材审定委员会和分学科审查组,负责审查和审定各地区、各单位和个人编写的各科大纲和教材,打破了建国以来一直采用全国统编教材的“一统天下”的局面;并首次提出“一纲多本”的指导方针,以便能够分别适应我国广大地区各种不同类型和层次学校的不同情况,既照顾 Since the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China promulgated the “Resolution on China’s Education System Reform” in 1985, under the careful preparation and active promotion of the State Education Commission and local education administrative departments at all levels, since 1985, nine years of obligations have been successively implemented from primary school to junior high school. Education has played an important role in promoting the education reform of the majority of primary and secondary schools in our country. In order to implement the nine-year compulsory education in a concrete manner, the State Education Commission established the Examination and Approval Committee for Primary and Secondary School Textbooks and the Disciplinary Review Group in charge of the review and examination of the outlines and textbooks of various subjects written by various regions, units, and individuals. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the “universal world” of textbooks for national textbooks has been adopted; and guidelines for “one class and many books” have been proposed for the first time so that they can be adapted to the different situations of different types and levels of schools in the vast regions of China. Both care
T:前面我们学习了关于两个实数的均值定理1及其推论.这一段过程,我们可以用图式简明地表示如下: T: We have previously learned about the mean value theorem of two rea
我院近 8年来共收治急慢性肾衰患者 150例,并发高钾血症9例,发作14次,经抢救成功者5例9次,分析总结如下。 临床资料 本组9例中,男5例,女4例。年龄24~72岁,平均39岁。原发病:
[教学目的] 1.知道浮力的概念 2.初步理解产生浮力的原因 3.通过实验研究浮力与哪些因素有关 [教学过程]一、引入新课师:在大量筒的底部有一个乒乓球,不能将量筒口倒过来,如
在证明线段的比例时,人们常常习惯于考虑用相似形或转化为线段的乘积式来证明,而忽视面积法的灵活运用.在运用面积法时,主要是运用共边定理和等角定理.共边定理若直线 PQ 交
语文 全面提高学生的语文素养 数学 突出数学思想方法物理 增加联系实际的内容 化学 加强学生的实验活动生物 降低难度较大的知识要点 历史 增加与现代社会生活相关的内容地