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班级是学校的基层单位,班级管理是学校群体教育的组成部分。对来自不同地区,具有不同习性,在素质、能力、知识等方面存在客观差异的学生进行集体管理,若无目的、无章法、无组织机构、无科学态度,眉毛胡子一把抓,工作效果就会适得其反。我认为班级管理必须抓好四个环节。 第一,建好“龙头”。一个班级是否有朝气,班干部是决定因素之一。一个班级要建立一个素质、能力、知识三方面相对稳定的班委会是搞好班级管理的前提。在实际工作中,一些班主任仅凭学生的入学档案或是第一印象就将“龙头”一锤定音,但不久就出现工作被动的局面。因此,建立“龙头”,班主任不能局限于个人的经验,而应广泛征求意见和深入细致地调查研究,从不同侧面对选拔对象进行考察,并通过开展一些有目的、有针对性的工作(活动),挖掘一些具备较好素质的学生担任“龙头”(班干部、班 Class is the school’s grass-roots units, class management is part of the school community education. Collective management of students who come from different regions, have different habits, and have objective differences in their qualities, abilities, and knowledge. If there is no purpose, no rules, no organizational structure, no scientific attitude, and an eyebrow beard, the work effect will be counterproductive . I think class management must grasp four aspects. First, build a “leader.” A class is vibrant, class cadres is one of the determining factors. A class to establish a quality, ability, knowledge, three aspects of the relatively stable class is a prerequisite for improving class management. In practical work, some class teachers set the tone of the “leader” solely on the basis of their student’s school records or their first impression, but shortly afterwards their work was passive. Therefore, the establishment of “leading”, class teacher can not be limited to personal experience, but should seek opinions extensively and in-depth and detailed investigation and study, from different aspects of the selection of objects to be investigated, and through a number of purposeful, targeted work (activities ), Tap some of the students with good qualifications as a “leader” (class cadres, classes
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