EGFR gene copy number as a predictive biomarker for resistance to anti-EGFR monoclonal antibodies in

来源 :Chinese Journal of Cancer Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangsao
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Objective:The epidermal growth factor receptor(EGFR) inhibitors monoclonal antibodies(MoAbs) have already shown the therapeutic effectiveness in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer(mCRC).But many patients resist to the treatment.The aim of this meta-analysis was to assess EGFR gene copy number(GCN) as a candidate predictive biomarker for resistance to anti-EGFR MoAbs in mCRC treatment.Methods:Systematic computerized searches of the PubMed,EMBase and Cochrane Library were performed.The primary endpoint was objective response rate(ORR).The second endpoints included progression-free survival(PFS),and overall survival(OS).The pooled odd ratio(OR) and pooled sensitivity,specificity,and summary receiver operator characteristic(SROC) for ORR were estimated.The pooled hazard ratios(HR) for PFS and OS were also calculated.Results:Fourteen studies with 1,021 patients were included.Increased EGFR GCN was associated with increased ORR(OR=6.905;95% CI:4.489-10.620).It was also found in wild-type KRAS mCRC patients,with the pooled OR of 8.133(95% CI:4.316-15.326).GCN has medium value for predicting ORR,with the pooled sensitivity of 0.79(95% CI:0.73-0.84),the pooled specificity of 0.59(95% CI:0.55-0.62).In wildtype KRAS mCRC patients,the sensitivity and the specificity were 0.80(95% CI:0.70-0.87) and 0.60(95% CI:0.53-0.66),respectively.Increased EGFR GCN was associated with increased PFS(HR=0.557;95% CI:0.382-0.732) and OS(HR=0.579;95% CI:0.422-0.737).Conclusions:This meta-analysis suggests that EGFR GCN represents a predictive biomarker for tumor response in mCRC patients treated with MoAbs regardless of KRAS mutation.mCRC patients with increased EGFR GCN are more likely to have a better response,PFS,and OS when treated with cetuximab or panitumumab. Objective: The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) inhibitors monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) have already shown the therapeutic effectiveness in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC). But many patients resist to the treatment.The aim of this meta-analysis was to assess EGFR gene copy number (GCN) as a candidate predictive biomarker for resistance to anti-EGFR MoAbs in mCRC treatment. Methods: Systematic computerized searches of the PubMed, EMBase and Cochrane Library were. The primary endpoint was objective response rate (ORR). The second endpoints are included in progression-free survival (PFS), and overall survival (OS). The pooled odd ratio (OR) and pooled sensitivity, specificity, and summary receiver operator characteristic (SROC) HR) for PFS and OS were also calculated. Results: Fourteen studies with 1,021 patients were included. Increased EGFR GCN was associated with increased ORR (OR = 6.905; 95% CI: 4.489-10.620) .It was also found in wild- type KRAS mCRC patients with the pooled OR of 8.133 (95% CI: 4.316-15.326) .GCN has a medium value for predicting ORR with the pooled sensitivity of 0.79 (95% CI: 0.73-0.84), the pooled specificity of 0.59 (95% CI: 0.55-0.66), the sensitivity and the specificity were 0.80 (95% CI: 0.70-0.87) and 0.60 (95% CI: 0.53-0.66), respectively.Increased EGFR GCN was associated with increased PFS (HR = 0.557; 95% CI: 0.382-0.732) and OS (HR = 0.579; 95% CI: 0.422-0.737) .Conclusions: This meta-analysis suggests that EGFR GCN represents a predictive biomarker for tumor response in mCRC patients treated with MoAbs regardless of KRAS mutation. mCRC patients with increased EGFR GCN are more likely to have a better response, PFS, and OS when treated with cetuximab or panitumumab.
目前的阅读教学存在的问题较多,其中最根本的问题就是学生“欠读”。由于学生每天由家到校,由校到家,生活圈子狭窄,写作缺乏材料,加之现在学生极少阅读,只在课堂上泛泛地读一下课文,久而久之,势必使语文教学陷入枯燥、机械的境地,使学生对语文课文失去应有的兴趣和热情。在语文教学实践中,要提高学生的读写能力,我认为应做好以下几点。    一、让学生充分认识到阅读的重要性    1.“读、写是语文的两翼。”这句
摘 要: 读写训练是语文教学中的重要环节,有益于提高学生的语言综合素养,也有益于学生对文本的理解和牵移能力的提高。文章从填空补白、练笔明理、合理想象、有向开放四个方面阐释了语文教学要读写结合,让阅读焕发出光彩和活力。  关键词: 语文教学 读 写 阅读    叶圣陶先生曾说:“学生读得好,才能写得好。”读可以帮助学生开拓视野,积累知识,发展智力,提高文化素养。据此理念,我回顾自己从教的阅读课堂,做
初中语文学科实施“主体参与”型课堂教学,是一条给语文课堂引来源头的清渠,是一条言之成理、行之有效的提高语文教学效率与质量的最佳途径,是一条符合语文教学规律的越走越宽广的康庄大道。  “主体参与”体现了辩证唯物主义的思想,反映了实践论的观点,符合了素质教育的要求,渗透了崭新的学生观、质量观。它的观念与方法在教育教学中具有重要意义。    一、目标    (一)用新的教育思想替换教师头脑中原有的陈旧的
《语文课程标准》明确指出:“学生是学习的主人”,在教学过程中要“注重培养学生自主学习意识和习惯”,领悟新课标的精神。我立足语文课堂教学有意识地培养学生自主学习习惯,积极引导学生自主学习。    一、“读”中引导    在语文教学中,“听、说、读、写”四种语文能力是相互作用、相辅相成的,“读”尤为重要,读是基础。古代文学家欧阳修曾说:“立身以立学为先,立学以读书为本。”“书读百遍,其义自见”。以读来
最近我校有一位教师参加赛课,执教四年级上册《雾凇》一课。我与两位教师一同参与了这次备课,就现如今“如何提高语文课堂教学效益”的理念有了一些新的认识和想法,下面我结合这节课中的语言品析谈谈自己的思考。  教学片段回顾:  (第一次试教第三个自然段)  师:作者是怎样把雾凇遇冷凝结写具体的?请大家品味词语读一读第二节,圈画出你认为优美的词语。  师:同学们品味着这样的词语,想象画面的基础上再去有感情读
摘 要: 本文针对小学语文教学中动态生成的问题,着重从营造民主氛围、弹性预设目标、尊重个性解读、整合各种资源四个方面进行了分析。  关键词: 小学语文 动态生成 教学思考    教学是一个动态的过程,是封闭与开放、预设与生成的矛盾统一。随着教学活动的展开,教师、学生的思想和教学文本不断碰撞,创造火花不断迸发,新的学习要求、方向不断产生,学生在这个过程中兴趣盎然,认识和体验不断加深。那么,在当前的语
《我应该感到自豪才对》这篇课文讲的是,小骆驼听了小红马说它难看的话觉得委屈,后来跟妈妈到沙漠旅行,明白了驼峰、脚掌、睫毛的作用后感到很自豪。告诉人们要判断一种事物的美丑,不能光看外表,要看其有没有用处。在教学中我挖掘教材中各种活动的因素,设计符合学生年龄特点的、利于发挥学生潜能的活动,激发学生的创造热情,充分发挥教师的引导作用。  (课件出示:小骆驼在小溪边照镜子。)  师:从照镜子这个举动中能看
摘 要: 本文分析了作文教学中存在的轻视评讲的现象和原因,提出了解决这个问题的对策和建议。  关键词: 初中作文教学 轻视讲评 表现 原因 对策    在当前的语文教学中,作文教学处于尴尬境地,一方面无论什么考试,作文都占百分之四十的份额,地位不可谓不重要,于是教师对作文的重视是空前的。另一方面,考试的结果却不令人满意。优秀作文不多,创新作文更寥寥可数,不及格的作文比比皆是。作文教学现状令人困惑。