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《全日制六年制重点中学数学教学大纲(草案)》公布之后,我们进行了认真地学习和讨论。有几点认识和建议,提出来供修改时参考。新大纲草案中,坚持了五年制大纲的“精简、增加、渗透”的指导思想,并以《五年制数学教学大纲》的内容为基础是符合数学教学的实际情况的。增加了一年的时间,但教学内容不是大幅度的增加,就能克服执行五年制大纲时感到时间紧,抢进度,学生负担比较重等缺点。新大纲以五年制大纲为基础,使数学教学具有稳定性和连续性,有利于积累经验,有利于持续不断地提高教学质量。新大纲将初高中的内容作了适当的调整,并根据各校的不同情况将高中的教学内容分为《5、5、5》《5、3、3》和《5、6、6》三类,我们认为这些都是符合实际情况的,都是正确的。 After the publication of the “Full-time Six-year Key Middle School Mathematics Syllabus (Draft)” was published, we conducted serious study and discussion. There are several points of understanding and suggestions that are proposed for reference when making changes. The new draft outline adheres to the guidelines for “reduction, increase, and penetration” of the five-year outline, and is based on the contents of the “Five-year System Mathematics Syllabus” in line with the actual situation of mathematics teaching. The increase of one year’s time, but the teaching content is not a substantial increase, we can overcome the shortcomings of implementing the five-year program, such as tight schedules, rush schedules, and relatively heavy burden on students. The new outline is based on the five-year syllabus, which makes the mathematics teaching stable and continuous, conducive to the accumulation of experience, and conducive to continuously improve the quality of teaching. The new outline made appropriate adjustments to the content of the junior high school and divided the teaching content of the senior high school into five, five, five, five, three, three and five, six, six three according to the different situations of each school. In class, we believe that these are in line with the actual situation and are correct.
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茫茫海洋,无奇不有,它们千奇百怪,各显神通。提起章鱼,它可是海洋里的“一霸”。章鱼力大无比、残忍好斗、足智多谋,不少海洋动物都畏惧三分。它的特点是身体非常柔软,几乎可以将自己塞进任何它想去的地方。因为它没有脊椎,甚至可以穿过一个银币大小的洞。  章鱼之所以能在大海里横行霸道,是与它有着特殊的自卫和进攻的“法宝”分不开的。首先,章鱼有8条感觉灵敏的触腕,每条触腕上约有300多个吸盘,每个吸盘的拉力为
The present paper deals with the taxonomic reexamination and description of two species of Chirolophis collected in Chinese waters from the Bohai Sea and the Ye