
来源 :信访与社会矛盾问题研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhaojianan1987
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近年来,中国特色新型智库的发展目标已经取得共识,如何挖掘、激励并有效发挥智库在“转知成智、引智资政”方面的作用,是一个更加值得关注与探讨的问题。通过对国内智库的实地调研,本文阐述了当前中国智库发展的新特点,分析了智库建设与发展中遇到的新问题,并提出了相应的对策建议。研究认为,经济新常态下,加快中国特色新型智库建设意义深远,中国智库发展中遇到的各类问题,必须通过完善制度建设,加以妥善应对与解决,由此增强我国决策咨询体系的科学化、民主化、法治化。 In recent years, the goal of developing a new type of think tank with Chinese characteristics has been reached. It is a question that deserves more attention and discussion on how to tap, stimulate and effectively play the role of a think tank in “transferring knowledge to intelligence and introducing intelligence and resources.” Through the field investigation of domestic think tanks, this paper expounds the new characteristics of the current development of Chinese think tanks, analyzes the new problems encountered in the construction and development of think tanks, and puts forward corresponding countermeasures and suggestions. The study shows that under the new economic normalism, it is far-reaching significance to speed up the construction of a new type of think tank with Chinese characteristics. Various types of problems encountered in the development of Chinese think tanks must be properly dealt with and resolved through the improvement of the system so as to enhance the scientificization of China’s decision-making consultation system Democratization and rule of law.
本文就小组合作学习的理论基础,运用方法及小组合作学习应注意的问题等几个方面对如何开展英语合作学习进行了探讨。 This article discusses how to carry out cooperative
(1992年8月) 1992年5月25~28日,水利部在北京召开了全国水利改革座谈会。现将会议主要精神传达如下:这次会议是贯彻小平同志南巡重要谈话和中央政治局会议精神,抓住历史机遇,
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This paper presents a ranked differential evolution(RDE) algorithm for solving the identification problem of nonlinear discrete-time systems based on a Volterra
许多论著在归纳古代汉语分数的表达方式时多在同一平面做静态列举,而只有上溯其源,展现先秦汉语分数表达方式从西周时期到春秋战国时期的发展、演变的历时关系及逐步呈现出的复杂多样化、精要化、定型化的态势,才可能进一步研究语言发展变化的规律。  【关键词】分数表达方式;先秦;萌芽期;发展期;成熟期  关于古代汉语分数的表达方式,许多古汉语语法专著都有归纳,但都只对各种分数表达方式在同个平面上作静态地列举,并
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