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权利通常是指法律权利。法律权利是指在法律支配和保护下,法律关系的主体可以自由地去做事情和享受利益,表现为法律关系主体有权做出一定行为和要求他人做出相应行为的能力,必要时还可以要求国家机关依据法律,运用强制手段实现其权益;职权则是指国家机关及其工作人员,依据法律在职务范围内代表国家处理事务的能力和责任,表现为拥有职权的机关或个人代表国家处理事务的范围和行动界限。虽然权利和职权都是和特定社会的法律相联系的,即都是依据体现统治阶级意志的法律的规定和认可,都是具体的和法定的,并且都有阶级性和国家强制性,但是,二者却有严格的区别。 Rights usually refer to legal rights. Legal rights means that under the control and protection of the law, the subjects of legal relationships are free to do things and enjoy the benefits. They are expressed as the ability of the legal relationship subject to make certain behaviors and require others to make corresponding actions. State organs are required to implement their rights and interests in accordance with the law by means of coercive means; the term power refers to the ability and responsibility of state organs and their staff to act on behalf of the State within the scope of their duties in handling affairs, and to represent the authorities or individuals that have the power to act on behalf of the State. The scope of the business and the boundaries of the action. Although the rights and authorities are all linked to the laws of specific societies, that is, they are based on the provisions and recognition of laws that reflect the will of the ruling class. They are both specific and statutory, and they all have class nature and national coercion. However, There are strict differences.
一、思想政治课面临严重挑战 1.矛盾逐步激化,报刊连续披露。 《中学生成长成人成才系列报道·学校篇》指出:“学校片面追求升学率,重智育轻德育,……学校的德育工作软弱无
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