Diffusion welding process and joint's microstructure behavior of SiC_w/6061Al composite

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The rules such as process parameters affecting joint properties and the evolution principle of weld’s microstructure have been researched by adopting diffusion welding process to connect SiCw/6061Al composite. Experimental results show that there exists a critical temperature region between solid and liquid phase line of SiCw/6061 Al composite, and the region will shrink with the increasing of welding pressure. When diffusion welding occurred under the critical temperature region, welding joint exhibits bad property of bonding, and the matrix and the reinforcement can’t bond effectively. When diffusion welding occurred in the critical temperature region, the strength of welding joint changes widely with the variation of welding temperature. When welding temperature varies in 10癈, the strength of welding joint will change obviously. Only when welding temperature is higher than the critical temperature region, stable joint properties can be obtained. Simultaneously the matrix and the reinforcement has bet The rules such as process parameters affecting joint properties and the evolution principle of weld’s microstructure have been researched by adoptive diffusion welding process to connect SiCw / 6061Al composite. Experimental results show there there exists a critical temperature region between solid and liquid phase line of SiCw / 6061 Al composite, and the region will shrink with the increasing of welding pressure. When diffusion welding occurred under the critical temperature region, welding joint exhibits bad property of bonding, and the matrix and the reinforcement can not bond effectively. in the critical temperature region, the strength of welding joint changes changes with the variation of welding temperature. when welding temperature varies in 10 癈, the strength of welding joint will change obviously. joint properties can be obtained. Simultaneously the matrix and the r einforcement has bet
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