
来源 :中国卫生检验杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wujielele
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目的比较痰涂片分枝杆菌全自动染色机染色与人工染色方法之间的效果差异。方法收集疑似肺结核患者痰标本538份,同一份标本制备2张痰涂片,分别使用自动染色机和传统手工染色法进行涂片荧光染色检测。使用LED荧光显微镜进行镜检,对2种方法的涂片染色结果进行比较。计数资料采用χ~2检验,等级资料采用秩和检验。结果痰涂片自动染色机染色阳性率为5.39%(29/538),人工染色法阳性率为5.02%(27/538),二者差异无统计学意义(χ~2=0.167,P>0.05)。2种方法阳性涂片的阳性等级之间差异亦无统计学意义(UC=0.137,P>0.05)。结论痰涂片分枝杆菌全自动染色机染色与人工染色效果一致,在一定范围内可作为替代人工染色的方法进行适当推广。 Objective To compare the differences of the results between the methods of automatic smear staining and artificial staining of Mycobacterium smegmatis. Methods 538 sputum samples were collected from patients with suspected pulmonary tuberculosis. Two sputum smear samples were prepared from the same sample and detected by smear staining with automatic dyeing machine and traditional hand dyeing method respectively. Microscopic examination was performed using an LED fluorescence microscope, and the smear staining results of the two methods were compared. Counting data using χ ~ 2 test, rank data using rank sum test. Results The positive staining rate of sputum smear was 5.39% (29/538), the positive rate of artificial staining was 5.02% (27/538), the difference was not statistically significant (χ ~ 2 = 0.167, P> 0.05 ). There was also no significant difference in the positive grades of the two methods (UC = 0.137, P> 0.05). Conclusion Mycobacterium smegmatis staining with automatic staining machine and artificial staining the same effect, within a certain range can be used as an alternative method of artificial staining appropriate promotion.
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