
来源 :吉林教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zmc02302
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1、听来的忘得快,看到的记得住,动手做学得会我们的教育一直注重学生基础知识与基本技能的掌握,也的确造就了一大批基础扎实、知识结构合理的人才。但以往的教育不大关注学生动手能力的培养,学生实践能力明显不足。早在半个多世纪以前,陶行知先生就曾经批评过,“中国教育之通病是教用脑的人不用手,不教用手的人用脑。”这正切中我国教育长期以来忽视实践体验的弊端。学习者通过不断“学”的实践,才能学会学习。把老师的感受告诉学生,不如让学生获取自己的体验。给学生提供更多的动手的机会,让学生参与更多的社会实践,是 1, forget to hear it quickly, see to remember to live, learn to do our hands will always pay attention to the education of students basic knowledge and basic skills mastery, but also indeed created a large number of solid foundation, reasonable structure of the knowledge of personnel. However, the previous education did not pay much attention to the cultivation of students ’abilities, and the students’ practicing abilities were obviously insufficient. As early as more than half a century ago, Tao Xingzhi once criticized that “the common problem in education in China is that people who teach their own hands use their hands and do not teach their hands to use their brains.” This is exactly what Chinese education has long neglected to practice Disadvantages of the experience. Learners can learn to learn by constantly “learning” practice. It is better to let students get their own experience by telling them the feelings of the teacher. To provide students with more hands-on opportunities for students to participate in more social practice is
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An effective method for preventing spontaneous combustion of coal stockpiles on the ground is to control the air-flow in loose coal.In order to determine and pr