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   Eddie Redmayne can barely contain himself. The gangly, boyish, and eminently charming actor is meant to be seated on a plush couch in his inordinately posh Manhattan hotel suite, but he seems incapable of staying put. He frequently springs up to further demonstrate whatever point he’s in the middle of making, and even when he is seated, his deep, throaty voice races headlong out of him, his mouth often tripping over his words.
   Redmayne’s infectious verve is, ironically, in service of explaining how he learned to keep his body resolutely stiff and static. With the film The Theory of Everything, the 32-year-old Redmayne has been winning the best reviews of his young career, for his performance as theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking.
   The film tracks Hawking’s physical decline from his early days as a doctoral candidate at Cambridge. Its main emotional focus, however, is how the disease affected his romance with and eventual marriage to Jane Hawking, whose memoir served as the basis for the film. Playing Hawking proposed one of the most intimidating challenges imaginable for an actor: Faithfully portraying the physical specificity of Hawking’s disease meant bottling up virtually every tool available to capture his emotional inner life.
   But according to The Theory of Everything’s director, James Marsh, it was a challenge that Redmayne was up to from the moment the two first met to discuss the role. “Eddie’s a very intelligent actor,” Marsh says a few weeks later on the phone. “I was struck by how much he understood the nature of the psychology of the role, and what he had to do is to physically prepare for what then would become an emotional performance.”
   Back in his hotel suite, however, Redmayne often says, almost contritely, that he had not gone through formal training as an actor (Instead, he studied the history of art at Cambridge). “I’ve always wondered if at drama school you get a given process,” he says. “Every single job I do, whether it’s theater or film, I’m still grappling to find a process. But interestingly, when I got cast in The Theory of Everything, my instinct was to make it quite a formal one.”
   Redmayne—as well as his costar Jones, who also had to discover how best to play a living person—had to become something of a detective mixed with an investigative reporter mixed with a movement artist. After teaming up with dancerchoreographer Alexandra Reynolds, Redmayne met with doctors, nurses, and patients at the Queen Square Centre for Neuromuscular Disease in London. “They have an ALS clinic every week, and at the end the doctor would say, ‘There’s an actor here trying to play Stephen Hawking, would you be interested in meeting him?’” says Redmayne. “And across the board, people were sensationally generous. … Some people would allow me to feel their hands, to feel the weight of their bodies.”    At the clinic, Redmayne also learned about the differences between the loss of “upper” neurons—which causes the affected areas to fix into a rigid shape—and“lower” neurons—which causes the opposite, the body to go loose and limp. But those losses are specific to each person,which meant Redmayne had to sort out—based mostly on archival photos and whatever he could find on YouTube—how Hawking’s motor neuron disease uniquely manifested itself, and when. He then showed those images to the doctors at Queen Square so they could render a loose sort of diagnosis.
   After filling an iPad with every scrap of visual and documentary material he collected, Redmayne then created a single, double-sided master list, which charted out the details he’d need to know for every single scene. That list, he says, included “what muscles had gone, where vocally he was at, and then what glasses he was wearing, whether he was on one stick or two sticks, or which wheelchair he was in.”
   Throughout this process, Redmayne was also working with Reynolds, in a rehearsal space, to teach his body how to render each stage of Hawking’s decline. “Rather than just replicating positions, it was about when you’re holding these positions,” Redmayne says, as he starts to shrug up his shoulders, and twist and stiffen his hands.
   The role didn’t just affect his body, either. Redmayne contorted his face so frequently that the film’s makeup artist noticed the right side of his face began to change.
   However taxing depicting Hawking’s illness was—and it also included everything from mastering driving Hawking’s different wheelchairs, to subtly changing his wardrobe to make his body seem slighter as he grew older—it was still only half the job. To grasp the man’s formidable intellectual life, Redmayne also studied Hawking’s contributions to the field of general relativity and theoretical physics, especially his best-selling book A Brief History of Time.
   But the hardest job, in a way, was communicating what was happening to Hawking’s heart as his body was failing him. For that, he relied especially on Marsh and Jones. “I remember being in a rehearsal room with Eddie, and Eddie’s in the chair, and then suddenly you feel as the person playing the carer you have this enormous responsibility,” Jones says.“At a certain point, Stephen couldn’t just lift up a spoon. So Jane’s got to be there doing it for him. So suddenly, I was like, Gosh, I’ve got to be the responsible one in this situation! She was Stephen’s movement in the world.”    Asked what it was like to learn that Stephen Hawking had enjoyed the film— and the profound effort that went into his performance—for the first time that afternoon he grows quiet, his words coming slowly, his body still. “It means everything, really,” he says, his voice heavy with emotion.“The weight of those high stakes had been sitting on my shoulders for an age, and—that’s why we’re telling the story, because he’s an extraordinary human being, as is Jane. They allowed us into their orbit for a few months, and that was one of the great privileges of my life. It’s an experience I will never, ever forget.”
摘要 感恩教育是道德教育中不可或缺的重要内容,因其天然性和易感性等特点,具有独特的德育价值。感恩教育是社会、学校和家庭共同培育的道德活动,学校作为专门的教育场域,教师作为一线教育工作者对感恩教育的实施有着天然敏感性。当前感恩教育处于工具化、无根化和窄域化的实际困境,教师自身更新教育观念,推进家校合作和改善评价体系,反推重视德育教学等方面是可行的感恩教育发展路径。  关键词 感恩教育;学校德育;青少
PART1:快乐水世界    借助一些小物品和宝宝的感知觉玩水的游戏,不仅能提高宝宝的动手操作和运动能力,还能让他们初步感受和认识水的一些性质。  1.水中行进  在浴缸或大点的浴盆中放一些毛巾并注水进去,之后让宝宝进入浴缸,妈妈扶着宝宝,让宝宝踩着毛巾从浴缸的一头走到另一头。  效果:感受在水中走路的奇妙,体会走路过程中水的滑动与阻力。  适合年龄:1 ~ 1 岁半。  2.抓住水中的玩具  宝
重要的事情  “现在时分晚上七点整。”电视机上方的钟表正在报时。海豚尾巴模样的时针准确地指在数字7上。  刚刚还在沙发上熟睡的墨奇奇听到报时,一个鲤鱼打挺从沙发上跳了起来,然后搬起一个恐龙形状的凳子,跑到了阳台上。  在茶几旁打盹的哈士奇小疯摇着尾巴跟了过去。  墨奇奇把凳子放到窗户下边,自己灵巧地踩上凳子,趴在窗户上向外边张望,脸上写满了期待。  “小疯,你说爸爸今晚还加班吗?”墨奇奇两只胳膊叠
摘 要 高中思政课实现思政小课堂和社会大课堂的统一,可以社会实践活动为载体,结合学生需求和社会发展需要,利用各类资源,开展主题化、系列化的社会实践活动,将书本知识和社会实践活动有机结合,实现理论性和实践性的统一。学生在社会实践活动的历练中,激发了学习兴趣和学习动力,改变了学习方式。思政课大小课堂的融合,让学生坚定了信念、陶冶了情操、开阔了视野、增长了见识、提升了能力,较好地完成思政学科“立德树人”
这是一支严谨而富有热情的团体    3月30日,四川成都,成都启新汽车服务有限责任公司  成都启新汽车服务有限责任公司是一家历史悠久的汽车服务企业,它的前身是建成于1983年当时西南地区唯一的一家进口汽车修理厂,1992年与一汽-大众签订协议,建设了西南地区第一家一汽-大众服务站,是目前西南地区最具影响力的汽车运营商之一,在汽车服务行业拥有很高的知名度。  乘着国家西部大开发的东风,最近几年西南地
摘 要:教材是学生获取知识、进行数学学习的主要材料,也是教师开展教学活动的主要依据。教师只有准确地理解教材,科学地使用教材,智慧地开发教材,才能用好、用活、用足教材;才能游刃有余地应对教学中的各种生成性问题,才能有效地开展教学活动。  关键词:小学数学;解读教材;走进教材;应用教材;开发教材  中图分类号:G623.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-010X(2016)02-0045-03 
偃师市实验中学近年来积极响应习近平总书记的号召“祖国的建设需要一大批自主创新,担当敢为的时代青年”,秉承“敦品励行,自强不息”的校训,以“培养自主精神,追梦多彩人生”为目标,聚焦学生的核心素养,促进学生自主发展。  一、共育机制,实现学生自主管理  我校独生子女家庭比较多,家长的溺爱致使许多学生的自主管理现状都不乐观。我校联通家庭和社会,构建共育机制,以自主教育为抓手,激发学生自主成长的内动力。 
一辆2006年产保时捷卡宴,行驶里程15万km。用户反映该车加速无力,最高车速仅能达到100km/h。  维修人员接车后,用故障诊断仪检测发动机控制单元,发现有多缸失火的记录。试车发现车辆提速十分困难,但发动机怠速运转正常。检查火花塞、节气门和燃油压力,未发现问题。查看数据流,发现发动机进气量与节气门开度不符,说明气缸充气效率过低。拆下空气滤清器检查,看到其滤纸部分较为洁净,应该不会导致对气流的阻
日语当中描述由夫妻和未成年子女组成的现代家庭,当用的汉字是“核家族”,其实这也很适合描述当今的中国家庭构成——孩子、以孩子为核心的父母。  在六一儿童节即将来临之时,一向以孩子为重的中国父母们,会如何与孩子们共度这个“核家族”中最重要的组成部分呢?  本刊记者选取了六组普通家庭的“六一计划”呈现给读者,希望这些细碎的故事可以以点窥面,展现出一幅中国式的父母与孩子之间的温情画卷。    “孩子的每一