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准确了解天然气管道的瞬时工况变化情况,对于管道运营管理部门来说,有助于其调度管理和制定管网系统的运行方案,并提前制定相应的应急措施,以此保障天然气管道系统的安全平稳运行。为此,收集了某天然气管道的相关基础资料,利用SPS仿真模拟软件建立某管道的水动力仿真模型,进行相关分析,并得到以下相关结论:当压缩机站内的压缩机组事故停机时,通过该站的瞬时流量变为零,进站压力上升,出站压力下降;天然气管道发生泄漏时,泄漏点处的上游流量瞬间上升,下游流量瞬间下降;天然气管道发生截断阀紧急关断时,通过前后阀门的流量变为零,通过此管段的流量也变为零,同时上游管段流量下降,处于不断储气的状态,压力不断增大。该分析结果对天然气管道的输送安全起到指导作用。 Accurate understanding of the natural gas pipeline transient changes in conditions for the pipeline operations management department is conducive to its scheduling management and development of pipe network system operation plan and to develop appropriate emergency measures in advance to protect the natural gas pipeline system Smooth operation. Therefore, the basic data of a natural gas pipeline was collected, and the hydrodynamic simulation model of a pipeline was established by using SPS simulation software. The correlation analysis was made and the following conclusions were reached: When the compressor unit in the compressor station was down, The instantaneous flow rate of the station becomes zero, the pressure of entering station rises and the pressure of the outbound station drops; when the natural gas pipeline leaks, the upstream flow at the leakage point instantaneously rises and the downstream flow instantaneously drops; when the cut-off valve of the natural gas pipeline emerges shut down, The flow of the valve becomes zero, and the flow through this pipe segment also becomes zero. At the same time, the flow of the upstream pipe segment is decreased and the gas is continuously stored and the pressure is continuously increasing. The results of this analysis can guide the safety of natural gas pipeline transportation.
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