A Discussion about Moral Depravity and Moral Reconstruction in Go Down, Moses

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  【Abstract】Go Down,Moses is one of the remarkable works which has caught widespread attention from domestic and international scholars.With a brand-new angle of the relationship between social-historical factors and literature creation,referring to Faulkner`s life experience and historical background,this paper is an attempt to studies on Southern social culture and issue:moral depravity and moral reconstruction which are reflected in Faulkner`s fiction.
  【Key words】Southern Society;Moral Depravity;Moral Reconstruction
  【作者簡介】庞珺芯 (1993.6- ),女,汉族,黑龙江哈尔滨人,硕士研究生,哈尔滨师范大学公共英语教研部,研究方向:英语教学。
  1. Introduction
  The American South in 20th century is still a mysterious existence.It has unique charming that attracts more and more scholars which are delving into the ocean of books and exploring the culture and customs of southern society beyond the ocean.William Faulkner is a loyal and outstanding recorder in his territory.He grew up in the south and he made novels set in that land to open the way for his own world—a miniature of modern western society which shows the life scenes of America Southern society and changing times during the period of 200 years.An influential scholar Malcolm Cowley made a appraisal of Faulkner`s work in the preface of The Portable Faulkner.He argued that Faulkner is an epic poet or a troubadour who used a prose genre and a creator of myths weaving the legend of South.This not only shows that Faulkner`s work is the epitome of the southern world, but also appreciates his uncommon talents, colorful literary creation, power of observation, peculiar composing method and the greatest fictional achievement of Yoknapatawpha County.One of William Faulkner`s greatest collections of short stories Go Down, Moses is an important component of novels about “Yoknapatawpha”. The novel with hidden logic, obscure language and distinctive structure to reveal the vicissitudes of McCaslin`s prosperity and decline.The Faulkner`s creation inspired by his life experience and time background.And the literary works also reflect the contemporary social situation which is revealed in the author thought.If we want to learn more about living conditions of people and social culture in the south of America after the Civil War, Go Down, Moses might be the best choice.
  2. Moral Depravity and Moral Reconstruction
  In Go Down, Moses, with detailed description and shaping, Faulkner shows the most striking and obvious theme that is the loss of human ethic and the re-construction of values.He values family affection and treasures family all the times and to regard it as foundation of human`s life and future.But it`s worth noting that almost all the members in family of McCaslin are not happy in his novel.Although they have property, estate, slaves, and servants, they are almost all bachelors.Carother was living alone for a long time, feeling an unendurable sense of being alone.His two sons regard women as the plague with an unexplained fear.Because of falling into the trap, Buck is compelled to get married at the age of 60, and Buddy never married.When Ike is born, Buck is nearly seventy.He and his wife separates and spends a lifetime lonely.Consequently, this is the end of male offspring in McCaslin.That is roughly what happened in the branch of white daughter.Cass`s wife has never appeared in the novel, Zack`s wife dies in childbirth.And Roth himself is over forty and unmarried.In other words, a woman who is in the white relationships of McCaslin family has never been appeared in the story.If we trace the source of the family misfortune and the root of decline, that is incest, which makes the whole family enveloped in shadows of the damned to loss the ability of love.How many money to buy animals and slaves is recorded in McCaslin`s account book.Animals and slaves are equivalent in the aspect of social status and economic values which the hosts could deal with them any way they want. And the hosts are completely free from legal sanction.Faulkner `s representation of the once idyllic hunting camp shows that theirs participants and theirs activities to be as flawed as Carothers McCaslin was, at least in his rape of his black slave Eunice.Later, Carothers already knows that Tomasina is his daughter whose mother is a black female slave, but he still grabs his own daughter when she is 23 years old.Tomasina bears Tommy`s Turl.And then Carothers`s sexual depravity led both women-directly-to their deaths.This behavior of animals is the embodiment of the human moral depravity going against traditional ethics.It is not only roots in people`s moral nature, but also has the intimate social root—Southern slavery and private ownership of land in U.S.
【摘要】英语课堂教学不只关乎语言知识的教授,更要关注学生思维品质、文化品格和学习能力的发展,既英语学科核心素养的培养。本文作者以一节对话课探讨了核心素养在课堂教学中的落实,旨在为小学一线英语教师提供范式和思考。  【关键词】英语核心素养;小学英语;课堂教学实践  【作者简介】王昕珏,成都蒙彼利埃小学。  一、什么是英语核心素养  英语核心素养包括语言能力、文化品格、思维品质和学习能力。四者相互包容
【摘要】在新的教育改革的背景下,英语教育目标从综合语言运用能力总目标转向核心素养语言能力的培养。本文重点阐述初高中英语教学衔接点的设置及意义。  【关键词】初高中英语衔接教学;衔接点;设置  【作者简介】杜振龙,董宝宁,河南省灵宝市实验高级中学。  一、引言  高中英语课程标准指出,“英语教育目标从综合语言运用能力总目标转向核心素养语言能力的培养。中学阶段分为初中和高中,两个学段的过渡衔接非常重要
【摘要】短文改错不仅考查学生对英语基础知识的掌握情况,而且要求考生具备发现、判断、纠正语境中语言使用错误等解题能力。笔者从平时的教学实践中,总结了学生在解答短文改错中遇到的困难并分析相应的原因,以一堂公开课为例,提出提高考生短文改错解题能力的应对策略。  【关键词】高三英语;短文改错;解题能力;自主学习  【作者简介】蔡思思,石狮市第八中学。  短文改错作为新的高考改错题型,错误散落在短文中,共十
【摘要】在提倡素质教育的背景下,小学英语教学中培养学生的核心素养成为了新课程标准的首要教育目标。因此,小学英语教师在课堂教学过程中,要摒弃传统的教育理念,积极创新多元化的教学设计,让学生在熟练掌握英语课程的基础知识的同时,树立主动探究、深入思考的意识,促进创新性思维的发展,培养英语综合应用能力,提升小学生英语核心素养,从而打造高效的优质英语课堂。  【关键词】小学英语课堂;多元化教学设计;英语核心
Private capital has been enthusiastic in setting up or acquiring banking institutions in the past years. Meanwhile, plenty of problems arose, acquisitions of bank shares with non-proprietary funds or
【摘要】研究性学习是新课程标准的一个要求。对于学生和教师来说,基于研究的学习是一个全新的和具有挑战性的话题。通过研究性学习,可以提高学生的实践能力和实践能力,拓宽视野,对推进高中英语教学具有一定的作用。  【关键词】研究性学习;意义;高中英语;实施  【作者简介】程岚岚,海南省陵水黎族自治县陵水中学。  一、研究性学习的内涵  1.培养学生的人文精神。由于研究性学习是学生主体地位的典范,它可以与素
【摘要】本文主要是在书面纠正反馈的基础上介绍一种创新型的纠正反馈策略即动态纠正反馈,此策略是基于纠正反馈是有意义的、及时的、恒定的和可操作的这四条主要原则下对学生英语写作进行纠正反馈,以此来改善学生二语写作的水平。  【关键词】写作纠正反馈;动态纠正反馈  【作者简介】杨婷婷(1992- ),甘肃天水人,西北师范大学外国语学院研究生,主要从事英语教学论研究。一、引言  近30年来国内外有关二语习得