
来源 :机械工程材料 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunrisekarl
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目前,采用石墨、二硫化钼等固体润滑剂改性的填充聚四氟乙烯(简称PTFE),因为没有根本克服PTFE的冷流现象和减慢磨损速度,所以作为无油润滑压缩机的密封件的材料,在高温高压下使用时,均未得到满意的密封寿命。为了解决压缩机在高温高压下的无油润滑问题,本工作选择粒状结构的聚对氧苯甲酰(商品名Ekonol)和刚硬性的铸石粉填充改性PTFE。我们选用F_(60)E_5S_(30)C_5配方,采用冷压、烧结工 At present, the use of graphite, molybdenum disulfide and other solid lubricant modified polytetrafluoroethylene (referred to as PTFE), because there is no fundamental way to overcome the PTFE cold flow phenomenon and slow down the wear and tear, so as the oil-free lubrication of the compressor seals Of the materials, when used under high temperature and pressure, are not satisfactory seal life. In order to solve the problem of oil-free lubrication of the compressor under high temperature and high pressure, poly (p-xylylene) (trade name: Ekonol) with granular structure and rigidified gypsum powder filled with modified PTFE were selected in this work. We choose F_ (60) E_5S_ (30) C_5 formula, using cold, sintering
民族地区经济、文化相对滞后,公共图书馆在振奋民族精神、弘扬民族文化、振兴民族经济中具有举足轻重的战略地位,通过开展多种方式的信息服务促进自治旗双振战略的实施。 Th
图书外借服务是图书馆工作的基础,应该力求使其服务内容以及采取的服务方式最大限度地满足读者的需要。 Library lending service is the foundation of the library work,
Objective To examine the relationship between overweight or obesity and the risk of the various hypertension hemodynamic subtypes in Yi farmers and migrants.Met
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