Inhibition of Hepatitis B Virus Replication and Expression in Vitro and in Vivo by the Hammerhead Ri

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Objective To develop an effective and specific medicine targeting hepatitis B virus(HBV) pregenome. Based on the identified accessible target sites for hammerhead ribozyme in our previous researches, a recombinant hepatitis delta virus(HDV) ribozyme was chosen and used to demonstrate the effective cleavage in vitro and in vivo. Methods Three hammerhead ribozymes for potential target sites(S, X and C genes) and co-expression plasmid(pTr-dB, pTdδ-dB, pTrX-dB and pTrC-dB) as well as four HDV-ribozyme chimera constructs with HBV(pTdXX, pTdXC, pTdSX and pTdSC) were severally chosen to validate the inhibition of the replication and expression of HBV. The co-expression plasmids(pTdδ and pTr-Db) in physiological saline were hydrodynamically injected to mice by tail vein. Results Compared with the group injected with pTr-dB in Huh-7 cell, hepatitis B surface antigen(HBsAg) was reduced by 31% in the group injected with pTdδ-dB, by 54%, 26%, 72% and 97% in the group injected with recombinant-ribozymes pTdSX, pTdSC, pTdXC and pTdXX, respectively. The inhibiting effects of endogenous ribozymes RzX and RzC on the HBsAg expression were 66% and 57%, respectively. Compared with the positive control, the amount of HBsAg was decreased in mice injected with pTdXX through tail vein by 88% and 96% on the second day and the third day, respectively. HBsAg was undetectable on the 6th day and could not primitively be detected on the 9th day in the sera from all mice. HBV DNA was not detected in the sera of BALB/c mice injected with pTdXX-dB, pTrX-dB or replicating-defective plasmid pHBV, while HBV DNA replication in control group could be detected on the 6th day. While HBcAg could not be detected in liver tissues of mice injected with plasmid pTdXX-dB on the 3rd day. Conclusions Encoding regions of HBV S, C and X gene were the effective cleavage sites for hammerhead ribozyme in vitro and in vivo, which provides basis for further construction of therapeutic recombinant HDV and the development of targeting antiviral gene therapy. Objective To develop an effective and specific medicine targeting hepatitis B virus (HBV) pregenome. Based on the identified accessible target sites for hammerhead ribozyme in our previous researches, a recombinant hepatitis delta virus (HDV) ribozyme was chosen and used to demonstrate the effective cleavage in vitro and in vivo. Methods Three hammerhead ribozymes for potential target sites (S, X and C genes) and co-expression plasmid (pTr-dB, pTdδ-dB, pTrX-dB and pTrC-dB) The co-expression plasmids (pTdδ and pTr-Db) in physiological saline were hydrodynamically injected mice by ribozyme chimera constructs with HBV (pTdXX, pTdXC, pTdSX and pTdSC) were severally chosen to validate the inhibition of the replication and expression of HBV. tail vein. Results Compared with the group injected with pTr-dB in Huh-7 cells, hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) was reduced by 31% in the group injected with pTdδ-dB, by 54%, 26%, 72% and 97% in the group injected with recombinant-r Compared with the positive control, the amount of HBsAg was decreased in mice injected with pTdXX, respectively through tail vein by 88% and 96% on the second day and the third day, respectively. HBsAg was undetectable on the 6th day and could not primitively be detected on the 9th day in the sera from all mice. the sera of BALB / c mice injected with pTdXX-dB, pTrX-dB or replicating-defective plasmid pHBV, while HBV DNA replication in control group could be detected on the 6th day. While HBcAg could not be detected in liver tissues of mice injected with plasmid pTdXX-dB on the 3rd day. Conclusions Encoding regions of HBV S, C and X gene were the effective cleavage sites for hammerhead ribozyme in vitro and in vivo, which provides basis for further construction of therapeutic recombinant HDV and the developm entof targeting antiviral gene therapy.
白榆试管苗在盐分浓度低于0.2%时生长正常。随盐分浓度的提高,试管苗生长变差。分析结果是,盐分浓度与新梢生长、叶绿素含量呈幂函数关系,与脯氨酸含量呈变形双曲线关系。 W
为治疗我们的﹁手机依赖症,您给我们开了一剂良药,那便是行为疗法——记行为日记!  每天写下自己的学习生活計划,每天晚上对白天完成的目标进行总结,并  对第二天要做的事进行计划,把自己的新计划都加入每天的行程里。  亲爱的郑一瑾老师:  至今记得您给我们上的最有意义的一堂课,是那一堂课,让我们全班62个人第一次直面手机给我们带来的危害,让我们的大学时光没有被虚拟的世界吞噬,让我们学会合理安排自己的时
根据全国农业中等职业学校“百万中专生计划”指导性教学计划要求,农业部农民科技教育培训中心、中央农业广播电视学校精心设计了各专业文字教材,并陆续出版。该系列教材力求通俗易懂,深浅适宜,有的章后附有本章小结和复习思考题,有的教材后附有本门课程的教学辅导大纲。现将已出版的部分文字教材介绍如下:  1.《生态农业与庭院经营》定价:13.40元/本  该书主要阐述了庭院生态农业的基本理论原理与方法,庭院经营