站在历史新起点 推动实施中小企业“成长工程”——专访国家发改委中小企业司司长王远枝

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2005年12月,国家发改委召开全国中小企业和非公有制经济工作座谈会,会议决定推动实施“中小企业成长工程”。此工程被纳入国家“十一五”总体规划《纲要》。国家发改委中小企业司司长王远枝指出——推动实施“中小企业成长工程”,这是在新的历史起点上,坚持以科学发展观统领经济社会发展全局做出的重大决策,是“十一五”时期做好中小企业和非公有制经济的行动纲领。通过实施“中小企业成长工程”,“十一五”期间要初步形成发展环境明显改善、布局结构相对合理、管理和技术水平显著提高、市场竞争能力持续增强、吸纳就业能力不断扩大的中小企业群体。实施“中小企业成长工程”的主体是广大中小企业、非公有制企业。一定要引导中小企业、非公有制经济把工作重点放在提高企业自主创新能力,大力推进企业体制创新、管理创新和技术创新,加快结构调整步伐,培育国内外知名品牌,培育企业的核心竞争力,切实转变经济增长方式。在扶优扶强的同时要注意扶小扶弱,从对单个企业的支持转向对中小企业公共服务的支持,既要关注沿海发达地区,更要关注中西部地区;既要注重营造良好发展环境,又要注重中小企业整体素质的提高。 In December 2005, the National Development and Reform Commission held a symposium on the work of SMEs and non-public sectors of the economy in the country. The meeting decided to promote the implementation of the “SME Growth Project.” This project was included in the “Eleventh Five-Year” master plan “outline.” Wang Yuanzhi, director of the Small and Medium Enterprise Department of the National Development and Reform Commission, pointed out that promoting the implementation of the “SME Growth Project” is a major policy decision that has been made on the new historical starting point and adhering to the overall economic and social development led by the scientific development concept. “Period to do a good job in the program of action for SMEs and non-public economy. Through the implementation of the Project for the Growth of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs), the environment for development has been basically formed during the 11th Five-Year Plan period. The overall layout and structure are relatively reasonable. The management and technical standards have been significantly raised. The competitiveness of the market has been continuously enhanced. SME groups with expanding employability have been recruited . The implementation of the ”SME Growth Project" is the majority of the majority of SMEs, non-public enterprises. We must guide small and medium-sized enterprises and non-public sectors of the economy. We should focus our efforts on improving the capability of independent innovation, vigorously promote institutional innovation, management innovation and technological innovation, accelerate the pace of structural adjustment, cultivate well-known domestic and foreign brands, cultivate the core competitiveness of enterprises, Effectively change the mode of economic growth. At the same time, we should pay attention to helping small and weak families while supporting and supporting small and weak businesses. We should shift our support from single enterprises to public service support for SMEs. We should pay attention to the developed coastal areas and pay more attention to the central and western regions. We must also focus on creating a favorable environment for development , But also focus on improving the overall quality of SMEs.
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