Computer Aided Study of Mechanism of Immunoadsorbent for Myasthenia Gravis

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jianzhu119
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Myasthenia Gravis (MG) is an organ specific autoimmune disease mediated by autoantibodies (AChR Ab) against the acetylcholine receptor (AChR). Literature reported that the AChR Ab can be removed by absorbent linked with tryptophan. It was studied in detail in our lab. With the aid of computer, we docked some ligands into AChR Ab, and the results from scores of docking under different generations showed that there was no specific binding between tryptophan and scFv fragment just as the binding between antigen-antibody. The interaction between Trp and immunoglobulin was a broad-spectrum binding. Myasthenia Gravis (MG) is an organ specific autoimmune disease mediated by autoantibodies (AChR Ab) against the acetylcholine receptor (AChR). Literature reported that the AChR Ab can be removed by absorbent linked with tryptophan. It was studied in detail in our lab. With the aid of computer, we docked some ligands into AChR Ab, and the results from scores of docking under different generations showed that there was no specific binding between tryptophan and scFv fragment just as the binding between antigen-antibody. The interaction between Trp and immunoglobulin was a broad-spectrum binding.
痢疾简称“菌痢”是由痢疾杆菌引起的溃疡性结肠炎为主要病变。以腹痛、腹泻、里急后重、排脓血便为主要特证的肠道传染病。 它是由肠杆菌科志贺菌属,分志贺、福氏、鲍氏、
为探讨麻疹的流行规律及控制方法,做好防治工作,根据麻疹疫苗的免疫效果,我们对麻疹的流行趋势做了以下的分析,为今后消除麻疹,制定对策,提供依据。1 历年疫苗接种与麻疹流
罗煞,藏族民间传说中,这是一个吞吃月亮的光辉、把无边的黑暗带给草原的恶魔。黄河第一弯两岸群众称郑扎就是这样一个“罗煞”。 Luo Sha, Tibetan folklore, this is a glo