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生活即教育,有什么样的生活就有什么样的教育,网络时代的生活必然有网络时代的教育。学生在享受网络带来的便捷的同时,各种各样的网络道德问题也接踵而来,使部分学生步入网络误区,其表现为:浏览色情、暴力信息,思想受到侵蚀;网上聊天,荒废学业;上网成瘾,影响健康;网上交友,缺少自我保护意识,危及人身财产安全;利用网络,任意妄为,引发网络犯罪。这些问题都给人们敲响了警钟,教师必须高度重视 Life is education, what kind of life there is what kind of education, the Internet era of life must have the education of the Internet era. Students enjoy the convenience of the network at the same time, a variety of network ethical issues also followed one after another, so that some students into network errors, which are manifested as: browsing pornography, violence information, ideas eroded; online chat, abandoned School; Internet addiction, affecting health; online dating, lack of awareness of self-protection, endangering the safety of personal and property; use of the Internet, arbitrary, triggering cybercrime. These questions have sounded the alarm for people, teachers must attach great importance
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InAs/GaSb type-Ⅱ superlattices (SLs),Zn-doped GaSh and Si-doped InAs were grown on semi-insulating (001) GaAs substrates by metalorganic chemical vapor deposit
We report the ab initio calculations of transport behaviors of an azobenzene molecular device which is similar to the experimental configurations.The calculated
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The electronic properties of 3C-SiC doped with different contents of Ni are investigated by using first-principles calculations.It is observed that the non-fill
We try to find the analytical solutions to the time-independent Gross-Pitaevskii equation,a nonlinear Schr(o)dinger equation used in the simulation of Bose-Eins