International Forum on Gender Discrimination in Employment

来源 :Human Rights | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shanyuqi0513
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On August 21, 2006, an international forum was held in Beijing on gender discrimination in employment and possible mechanisms for relief. More than 50 experts attended the forum organized by the Department of Law of China Women's University (CWU) and the CWU Center for Study of Human Rights for women. They were from the Renmin University of China, Harvard University of the United States and other prestigious institutions of higher learning, the United Nations Development Program, the United Nations Women's Development Fund, as well as China's Supreme People's Court, the Beijing Municipal Women's Federation and the Beijing Municipal Federation of Trade On August 21, 2006, an international forum was held in Beijing on gender discrimination in employment and possible mechanisms for relief. More than 50 experts attended the forum organized by the Department of Law of China Women's University (CWU) and the CWU Center for Study of Human Rights for women. They were from the Renmin University of China, Harvard University of the United States and other prestigious institutions of higher learning, the United Nations Development Program, the United Nations Women's Development Fund, as well as China's Supreme People's Court, the Beijing Municipal Women's Federation and the Beijing Municipal Federation of Trade
<正> 在中国的国企改革过程中,很多人对“职工持股”方案的评价颇高,认为是强化企业内在约束机制、调动职工积极性和解决“所有制”缺位问题的圆满方案。有必要大声疾呼,这个
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合理的教学目标是一节课取得成功的前提,而适宜的教学内容是课堂教学是否有效的关键。如果一堂课气氛很热闹,学生很专注,然而教的却是学生已经知道的或是模棱两可的内容,教学效果是无效或低效的。纵观当今的小学语文教学,这样的课堂比比皆是。原因何在?一是教学目标不明确、不合理,二是教学内容不适宜。怎样“合理制定教学目标,选择适宜的教学内容”呢?  一、理性认识语文教学中的教学内容和课文内容  一直以来,广大的
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