,Effects of EZH2 gene on the growth and migration of hepatocellular carcinoma HepG2 cells

来源 :肝胆外科与营养 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zxpmine01
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Objective: To investigate the effects of EZH2 gene on the growth and migration of hepatocellular carcinoma HepG2 cell in vitro and in vivo. Methods: EZH2 shRNA plasmid vectors were constructed and transfected into HepG2 cells. A model of EZH2 gene-silencing HepG2 cell lines was constructed, and the experimental cells were classified into 3 groups: HepG2 blank control group, HepG2-V vector control group and HepG2-EZH2 (-) group. The mRNA and protein expressions of EZH2 in these three cells were detected by real-time fluorogenic quantitative PCR and Weste blotting, respectively. Cell proliferation was analyzed by MTT assay. Cells were inoculated subcutaneously in nude mice, and the growth of tumor cells in vivo was observed. Transwell chamber assay was performed to observe any change in the migration ability of cells. Results: The mRNA expression of HepG2 and HepG2-V was 100% and (95.27±10.87)%, respectively. Compared with the control group, the mRNA level of HepG2-EZH2 (-) were significantly decreased to (20.55±13.21)% (P<0.001). Similarly, the EZH2 protein expression were inhibited in HepG2-EZH2 (-) cells. The inhibition rate of tumor growth was 36.3% in vitro and 52.5% in vivo. The migration rate of the HepG2-EZH2 (-) group [(7.15±1.13)%] was significantly lower than those in the HepG2 group [(14.57±4.32)%] and the HepG2-V group [(15.21±5.22)%], with significant differences (both P<0.05). Conclusions: EZH2 silencing can effectively inhibit the proliferation and growth of HepG2 cells in vitro and in vivo and inhibit cell migration. Therefore, the EZH2 gene may be a novel target for the treatment of liver cancer.
在教学中,教师要让学生真正经历数学学习过程,不断在体验与创造中学习,只有这样,学生才会把数学学习看成自己的事,数学也才能真正进入学生的内心。  著名数学教育家托利亚尔在《数学教育》一书中指出:“数学教学是数学思维活动的教学,而不是数学活动的结果——数学知识的教学。”数学的价值不在模仿而在创新,数学的本质不是技能而是思想。数学学习的过程不能只是一个遵照指令进行程序操作的过程,而是一个不断运用自己的知
小学语文活动课作为适应素质教育需要而开设的一门新型课程,它与必修课程、选修课程一样是小学课程的重要组成部分。设计小学语文活动课应注意把握以下几个原则。  从小学生年龄特征出发的原则。布鲁纳曾说:“学习的最好刺激,乃是对所学材料的兴趣。”我们要根据不同年龄学生心理特点、兴趣爱好的差异,设计小学语文活动课。低年级学生以形象思维为主,游戏、表演、说话等活动更能激发兴趣,更能充分调动他们的积极性,把枯燥无
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开学初的第一节课,不出我所料,一讲到推荐临时班干部,刚才还兴高采烈的学生一下子兴味索然,一个个耷拉着脑袋。看来得好好跟他们探讨知识和能力的关系了。  “同学们,你们上学的目的是什么呢?”我微笑着问他们。  “学习知识。”“学做人的道理。”“学好本领,将来更好地生活。”学生七嘴八舌地回答。  “目的有很多,但一个很重要的目的是学好本领,发挥自己的价值,通俗地说就是使自己和家人生活得更好一点,并且有能