The Characteristics of Loan-words Used in Physical Culture

来源 :语言与文化研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:honeywell88
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Since the Beijing’s successful hosting of the 2008 Olympic Games,increasing people have been focusing on the sport and learning sports English.Many people may think that sports English is professional.It is fixed.But in fact,it is not only used in sports field.It is living.And substantial of sports terms and idioms are extensively used in their daily life. Since the Beijing’s successful hosting of the 2008 Olympic Games, increasing people have been focused on the sport and learning sports.Many people may think that sports English is professional.It is fixed.But in fact, it is not only used in sports field .It is living.And substantial of sports terms and idioms are extensively used in their daily life.
本文介绍了CDZ-30登高平台消防车电控系统的组成—各种限位装置和电液比例阀控制器(简称电控器)的设计,该电控系统在各种高压作业车中,具有广泛的代表性。 This paper intro
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目的:观察复方丹参在治疗新生儿缺血缺氧性脑病中的疗效。方法:将符合本病诊断标准的56名新生儿随机分成两组。对照组 33例,给予常规的对症及支持治疗。包括供氧,控制惊厥,降颅压及能
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