Visible light-curable polymers for biomedical applications

来源 :Science China(Chemistry) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:backbone09
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Photocurable systems, which offer advantages such as microfabrication and in situ fabrication, have been widely used as dental restorative materials. Because the visible light-curable(VLC) system causes no biological damage, it is popular as a dental material and is being investigated by many researchers for other medical applications. Here, the principle of the VLC system is explained and recent progress in key components including photoinitiators, monomers, macromers, and prepolymers is discussed. Finally, biomedical applications for drug delivery and soft tissue engineering are reviewed. Considering the recent development of VLC systems, its importance in the field of medical applications is expected to continue to increase in the future. Photocurable systems, which offers advantages such as microfabrication and in situ fabrication, have been widely used as dental restorative materials. Because the visible light-curable (VLC) system causes no biological damage, it is popular as a dental material and is being investigated by many, researchers for other medical applications. Here, the principle of the VLC system is explained and recent progress in key components including photoinitiators, monomers, macromers, and prepolymers is discussed. Finally, biomedical applications for drug delivery and soft tissue engineering are reviewed. the recent development of VLC systems, its importance in the field of medical applications is expected to continue to increase in the future.
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