完善机制三强化 突出重点四公开——北京铁路局工会进一步做好厂务公开工作

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北京铁路局工会把厂务公开工作作为全面贯彻“三个代表”重要思想和科学发展观的具体实践;作为坚持党的依靠方针,全心全意依靠职工办企业的有效途径;作为搞好群众监督,促进党风廉政建设和领导班子建设的有力手段;作为事关全局改革、发展、稳定的大事来抓,积极探索基层民主政治建设的新思路、新方法和新途径,使全局厂务公开工作取得了新进展。为了进一步做好工作,北京铁路局工会推出了三个强化:一是强化领导机制。根据铁道部《转发中共中央纪委等五部委〈关于做好2005年厂务公开民主管理工作的意见〉的通知》精神,结合 As an adherence to the party’s policy of relying on the guideline of the party’s reliance, the Beijing Railway Bureau’s unions have treated the openness of factory affairs as the concrete practice of comprehensively implementing the important thinking of the ’Three Represents’ and the scientific concept of development. As an effective way of relying on staff and workers to run enterprises wholeheartedly, As a powerful matter concerning the overall situation of reform, development and stability, we must actively explore new ideas, new methods and new ways of building grassroots democratic politics so that the overall work of public affairs in the public sector has been made new progress. In order to further do a good job, Beijing Railway Bureau unions launched three enhancements: First, strengthen the leadership mechanism. According to the “Notice of Forwarding the Opinions of Five Ministries of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the CPC Central Committee and Other Opinions on Doing Well the Opinion on Open and Democratic Management of Factory Affairs in 2005”, the Ministry of Railways
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