Adapting Non-Task-Based Materials to Fit a Task-Based Framework

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  Abstract: Analyzes the three-phases——pre-task, task cycle, post-task and their rationale in task-based language teaching, designs corresponding teaching activities after adapting one text from New Horizon College English, so that college English teachers can better understand and use this teaching approach, and then improve the teaching effect and college students’ comprehensive application abilities of language.
  Key words: task-based language teaching pre-task task cycle post-task
  I. Introduction
  Research findings have led to claims that the task syllabus has a richer potential for promoting successful second language learning than other syllabus types (e.g. than structural, notional/ functional, situational ones). But there are few genuinely task-based textbooks on the market. Therefore, we can only adapt the materials found in traditional textbooks to fit the principles and procedures of task-based language teaching.
  II. Procedures and rationale for the redesigning project
  1.The concept of a task
  In order to redesign the textbook material and get tasks, the concept of a task should be clear.
  Then, what is a “task”? The rise of task-based language teaching (TBLT) has led to a variety of different interpretations of what exactly constitutes a “task” (e.g.Willis, 1996 ; Long, 1985; Breen, 1987). Task is defined here as an activity in which the target language is used by the learner for a communicative purpose in order to achieve an outcome.
  2. Procedures and rationale for the redesigning project
  As for the TBLT framework for classwork, a process of three-phases——pre-task, task cycle, post-task (language focus) is developed as the following.
  The pre-task phase has two basic functions: 1) to introduce and create interest in doing a task on the chosen topic. 2) to activate topic-related words, phrases and target sentences that will be useful in carrying out the task and in the real world. A third, optional function is the inclusion of an enabling task to help students communicate as smoothly as possible during the task cycle.
  Providing appropriate tasks is critical to the adaptation process because everything the students do is derived from the task(s) and it is the task(s) that generate the language to be used. Sometimes we just redesign activities from structural/functional sources that are supposed to provide free practice of targeted structures and functions in order to fit the chosen definition of a task. Sometimes we have to design goal-oriented tasks for texts from the original material.
  The task cycle consists of the task(s) plus planning and report phases in which students present spoken or written reports of the work done in the task(s). During the task phase, students work in pairs or groups and use whatever linguistic resources they possess to achieve the goals of the task. Then, to avoid the risk of developing fluency at the expense of accuracy, they work with the teacher to improve their language while planning their reports of the task.
  Before or during the task cycle, the teacher can expose students to language in use by having them listen to a recording of other people doing a similar task, or by having them read a text related to the task topic.
  The post-task phase, i.e. the final one, in the framework, provides an opportunity for form-focused work——language focus. In this phase, some of the specific features of the language, which occur naturally during the task, are identified and analyzed. Among the possible starting points for analysis activities are functions, syntax, words or parts of words, categories of meaning or use, and phonological features. Following the analysis activities, this phase may also contain practice activities in which the teacher conducts practice of the new words, phrases, or patterns, which occur in the analysis activities, the task text, or the report phase. This phase is also essential, difficult. It is here where the fundamental accuracy to fluency direction of structural / functional materials comes most into conflict with the fundamental fluency to accuracy direction of a task-based framework.
  III. Redesigning non-task-based materials to fit a task-based framework according to the procedures and rationale talked above.
  Material: New Horizon College English, Book 2, Unit 2, Section A, Text Environmental Protection Throughout the World. The book is published in June, 2002, by Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
  Unit 2 Text Environmental Protection Throughout the World
  Teacher introduces topic, source of text, its original purpose, and other relevant information to set scene and activate learners’ prior knowledge. Then the teacher tells class about the polluted river, lakes, etc., and ask: What things can harm the environment? What do you think we should do to improve our environment? (Brainstorm those activities concerning the two guestions and briefly write down what the students say on the blackboard)
  Task Cycle:
  Task1Initial task——Prediction task based on the text
  Teacher writes down the headline as well as the 3rd-4th sentences of the text (from “in recent years” to “environmental initiatives”) on board, then asks pairs to predict the content of the text and write down three questions they’d like answers to (Teacher helps with meanings of key new words and phrases if asked ). At last pairs discuss predictions.
  Planning and report 1
  Students plan brief oral report for whole class, to compare predictions. Teacher encourages but does not reveal whose predictions are closest. Pairs tell each other the questions they think of and discuss possible answers. At last let pairs write down five questions which they are sure will be answered in the story.First full exposure Students read the whole text twice, to see how close their predictions are teacher chairs general feedback on the content (Avoid detailed explanation). Pairs read the whole text to find out how many of their questions are answered:get 6/6, 5/6, 4/6 ? etc.
  Task 2Memory challenge task
  Without reading the text again, pairs list by memory in the form 6 things that have happened in 6 countries mentioned in the text (i.e. Canada, Costa Rica, Brazil, Eastern Europe, Ghana, Indonesia, etc.)
  Planning and report 2
  Pairs report to the whole class. Teacher encourages but does not reveal solutions Pairs read each other’s list and completes their own.
  Second full exposure
  All students read the form, to check what they have written, and see which pairs remember most. Then the teacher gives general feedback. At last pairs read the text again, to check facts and find anything else that can go in list.
  Task 3Main idea and writing styles summarizing task
  Students discuss the main ideas of the text and each part (all 2 parts), then continue to talk about their writing styles.
  Planning and report 3
  Students plan and report the discussion results to the whole class. Teacher gives feedback and praises the students who do well.
  Language focus activitiesStudents underline the new words, phrases, difficult sentences, useful sentence patterns of the text and discuss their meanings in pairs. Then they report, then teacher gives feedback.
  Language practice activitiesStudents retell the story in pairs and report (trying to use 10 new words and phrases). Then they write a summary of the text in 150 words and hand in next week.
  [1]Rooney, K. Redesigning Non-Task-Based Materials to Fit a Task-Based Framework[EB/OL].[2000].The Internet TESOL Journal.
  [2]Willis, J. A Framework for Task-Based Learning[M]. London: Longman,1996: 23.
【摘要】 如今的高中语文教学,不仅仅要向学生教授语文专业知识,还应该培养学生的语言表达能力。在进行语文教学时,教师要根据教学内容的特点及要求,教授学生一定的语言表达技巧,培养良好的口语交际能力,为日后的交际生活打下基础。但在语文教学日趋功利化的今天,部分教师对如何通过高中语文教学内容,培养学生的语言表达能力关注较少,甚至感到吃力,对此笔者提出了几点相关的教学策略。   【关键词】 高中语文 说话艺
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【摘要】 时光飞逝,转眼幼儿园的小朋友们就将迎来他们的第一次升学,笔者的心里又是难舍又是欣慰。从第一次见面的生疏到熟悉,他们天真的笑脸为我带来最纯粹的欢乐,他们脆生生地一声老师便有让我甜到心底的神奇魔力。师生磨合的过程纵然诸多不易,他们却让我更加坚定孩子是存在人间的天使。做好幼儿园和小学衔接,不仅是为工作负责,更是为孩子们未来的长远发展奠定基础——入学准备不仅是为小学做准备,更是为孩子一生发展做准
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【摘要】过去笔者一直都以为爱对教育是万能的。其实不是这样的。从自己被学生爱,到自己爱学生,最后自己发现尊重才是教育的秘密。  【关键字】被爱 爱 尊重  【中图分类号】G625.1  【文献标识码】A  【文章编号】1992-7711( 2020) 06-187-01  今年是我做班主任第二十六个年头,如果你问我过去的二十六年学到了什么,我说是灵魂的改变。人这一生,终究会遇见许多人,尤其是当老师的
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【摘要】 部编版2016初中语文教科书增加名著导读的分量,名著阅读成为语文课程的重要组成部分,考试与教学也相应作出了改变,但名著导读教学改革还存在很多问题。笔者结合教学实践与探究,从优化名著导读教学设计、活动串连名著导读课堂、多媒体介入激发名著阅读兴趣、以点带面拓展名著阅读等四个方面进行论述,探究了如何提高初中名著导读教学实效性的方法、策略。   【关键词】 名著导读教学 实效性 探究   【中图
【摘要】 在小学教育工作中,班主任不仅承担着班级管理的责任,更好肩负起帮助学生塑造道德品质、实现立德树人根本目标的责任。相较于其他任课教师,班主任与学生的交流和互动机会最多,与学生的交往时间最长,所以班主任对学生开展品德教育更具有近水楼台先得月的优势。而在班主任开展品德教育中,激励手段是一种强化学生优质道德品质的重要方式,既能够帮助学生巩固良好行为,还能够给学生带来积极的学习体验。对此,本文就小学