
来源 :上海教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xwxseven
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招生一词用粤语表达,称为收生。香港和内地一样实行九年义务教育,收生当然也是教育的诸多问题之一。香港特区政府2000年10月发布了《香港教育制度改革建议》,提出收生改革分阶段进行,初中先行,小学的收生改革比中学晚些时候天始,目前都还在改革的过程中。香港中小学的收生制度改革不同于内地,监督制度严格,有传统的做法,学校与家长以及社区的联系非常亲密。 The term enrollment is expressed in Cantonese and is called admission. Nine-year compulsory education is implemented in Hong Kong and the Mainland. Admission is certainly one of the many problems in education. In October 2000, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government issued the “Recommended Proposals for the Reform of Hong Kong’s Education System.” It proposed that the reform of admissions should be carried out in stages, with junior high schools being the first step, and the reform of primary schools’ admissions reforms should begin later than the secondary school, and they are still in the process of reform. The reform of the admission system in primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong is different from that in the Mainland. The supervision system is strict and there are traditional practices. The school has close relationships with parents and the community.
初中数学中列方程解应用题既是教学重点,又是教学难点.列方程解应用题应理清思路,找准方法,才能做好这类题目,解答时可按下列步骤进行: The application of solving equati
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“Money is something,but not everything”,because there are manymany things better thanmoney. “Money is something, but not everything”,because there are man