Viewpoints on the proinflammation state of leukemia

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jorry1983
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Proinflammation represents a pathophysiological state on the early stage of a number of diseases, especially the infectious and immunological ones. In recent years, proinflammation has attracted much attention, and the term 損roinflammation factors?appears frequently in the literature. While investigating leukemia and leukemic cells from the angle of 損roinflammation state? we got some intriguing findings, e.g. we detected the significantly elevated expression of proinflammation factor IL-18 in patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML), which could up-regulate matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) and specific tissue inhibitors (TIMPs). The increased MMP may play a role in the aggressiveness of myeloid leukemic cells, and be associated with a poor prognosis. This phenomenon reflects an ignored aspect of leukemia. Investigations from the angle of 損roinflammation state?have broaden the fields of tumor and leukemia study. Proinflammation represents a pathophysiological state on the early stage of a number of diseases, especially the infectious and immunological ones. Appears frequently in the literature. While investigating leukemia and leukemic we got some intriguing findings, eg we detected the significantly elevated expression of proinflammation factor IL-18 in patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML), which could up-regulate matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) and specific The increased MMP may play a role in the aggressiveness of myeloid leukemic cells, and be associated with a poor prognosis. This phenomenon suggests an ignored aspect of leukemia. Investigations from the angle of damage roinflammation state? have broaden the fields of tumor and leukemia study.
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