Analysis on Two Translation Versions of Peanuts from Skopostheorie

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  【Abstract】 Peanuts is a famous essay written by Mr. Xu Dishan, where Mr. Xu gives a meaningful interpretation of the truth of life. On the basis of Skopostheorie, a comparison analysis on the two translation versions from Zhang Peiji and Liu Shicong is of great importance.
  【Key words】 Skopostheorie; Translation; Peanuts; Analysis
  Skopostheorie reflects a general shift from predominantly linguistic and rather formal translation theories to a more functional and sociocultural oriented concept of translation. Based on former findings, this thesis attempts to study the two versions of Peanuts from skopostheorie.
  1. Skopostheorie
  Put forward by Hans Vemeer, Skopostheorie aims to explain translation from the target language and focus on the purpose, which determines the translation methods and strategies that are to be employed to produce a functionally adequate result. According to Vemeer, there are three essential rules: skopos rule, coherence rule, and fidelity rule. Skopos rule should be applied to the whole translation process, and the others can be decided by different situations.
  2. Characteristics and Text Type of Peanuts
  Peanuts is an famous and highly acclaimed essay of Xu Dishan, where he uses fresh, brief and fluent language to tell us a story of his childhood. With only less than 600 words, it illustrates the truth of life by the tiny image of peanuts to illustrate that the author wants to be a useful man like peanuts and meanwhile achieve its aesthetic and artistic value. According to Reiss’s text type theory, it belongs to expressive text. Characteristics and text type of the original text should also be taken into consideration to achieve translation purpose.
  3. Analysis of Two Translation Versions from Skopostheorie
  The versions of Zhang Peiji and Liu Shicong are the most popular worldwide. Skopostheorie takes a view from the target language reader’s reception and understanding. In this part, Zhang’s translation and Liu’s translation will be appreciated in details from vocabulary selection different.
  Example 1:
  刘译:Mother cooked the peanuts in a variety of styles.
  张译:Mother made quite a few varieties of goodies out of the peanuts
  Analysis: the first version doesn’t translate “食品”, but the whole sentence has contained the meaning. Instead although the second one uses specific words “goodies”, it doesn’t equal to “食品”. The second one violates coherence rule, which doesn’t keep intra-textual coherence.   Example 2:
  Zhang’s Version: “ Unlike nice-looking apples, peaches, and pomegranates... tiny little peanuts…”
  Liu’s Version: “Unlike apples, peaches and pomegranates ... peanut…”
  Analysis: both the two translators adopt synthesization to translate the original work. But when it comes to “小小的豆”, “小小的” is translated into “tiny little” in Zhang’s version by combining two synonyms “tiny” and “little” to emphasize the meaning, while Liu doesn’t notice the word and forget translating the small word.
  Example 3:
  张译:“we gathered in a good harvest just after a couple of months!”
  刘译:“In a couple of months, and we had a harvest!”
  Analysis: in most occasions, translators will translate “居然”into “unexpectedly” or “surprisingly”. But here both use other forms to express the transition, which can connect more naturally and achieve better effect.
  From the whole essay, conclusion can be drawn that both versions have their own strengths and weaknesses, translators should absorb the merits and try to carry the translation of Peanuts forward.
  [2]Schaffner, Christine. Skopos Theory. London and New York: Routledge, 1998.
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