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初中物理热学部分的“温度”、“热量”“热能”等概念,是学生容易混淆的概念。不少学生,以为“热传递中传递的是温度”,以为“温度高的物体热量就多”,以为“物体温度升高后热量就增加”,等等。总之,他们把温度、热量、热能当成是差不多的概念,搞不清它们的联系和区别。为了加深学生对这些概念的理解,我在教学中,注意引导学生认真阅读课本对这些概念的叙述,帮助他们正确理解、掌握概念的本质特征。课本说:“物体的冷热程度用温度来表示。”(初中物理第二册第33页)这就是说,温度是用来表示物体冷热程度的物理量。物体在任何情况下总有个冷热程度,因此都有相应的温度。温度是个状态物理量。热量则不同。课本说:“物体吸收或者放出热的多少叫做热量。”(同上书第58页)这就是说,热量是物体在吸热或放热的过程中表现出来的,物体如果 The concepts of “temperature”, “heat” and “heat energy” in the junior high school physics and thermals are concepts that students can easily confuse. Many students think that “the heat transfer is the temperature,” and that “the temperature of objects with high heat is more”, that “heat increases when the object temperature increases,” and so on. In short, they regard temperature, heat, and heat as similar concepts and cannot understand their connections and differences. In order to deepen student’s understanding of these concepts, I pay attention to guide students to read textbooks carefully to narrate these concepts and help them understand and master the essential features of the concepts. The textbook says: “The degree of coldness and hotness of objects is expressed in terms of temperature.” (Junior Physics Second Volume, p. 33) This means that temperature is a physical quantity used to represent the degree of coldness and heat of an object. In any case, the object always has a degree of hot and cold, so there is a corresponding temperature. Temperature is a state physical quantity. The heat is different. The textbook says: “How much heat is absorbed or released by an object is called calories.” (Ibid., p. 58) This means that heat is what the object shows during heat absorption or heat release.
《数学通报》85年第5期刊登的《如何做好临考前的数学指导》一文中,有这样一道例题: “当0