依据新教材 用好新教材

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《国务院关于基础教育改革与发展的决定》指出:“基础教育是科教兴国的奠基工程,对提高中华民族素质,培养各级人才,促进社会主义现代化建设具有全局性、基础性和先导性的作用。”由此吹响了基础教育改革的号角。新的课程标准正是对这一决定的体现。随着基础教育改革的实施,高中化学教材内容发生了很大的变化。在实验过程中,发现问题、分析问题、解决问题,可以很好地激发学生的参与意识和合作精神。学生分组讨论,确定方案:将滴管插入试管里溶液下面慢慢挤出NaOH溶液。此时,学生的好奇心一下被激发了起来,提出了各种设想,我适时引导学生设计新的方案:试管中先加入新制的FeSO4溶液,在加入一定量的植物油,用滴管吸取刚煮沸过的NaOH溶液,插入液面以下,逐滴挤出,终于观察到白色的Fe(OH)2沉淀了,并能保持一段时间。当然,在本实验的探讨过程中,教师可以给予学生恰当的指导和提示,比如水蒸气的制取、加热装置和铁与水蒸气反应加热装置、加热的先后次序,学生通过自己的实验、观察、分析、对比、思考、联想等思维活动和操作训练,他们的知识、技能、学习兴趣以及与他人合作的精神等都会得到锻炼和提高。 The Decision of the State Council on the Reform and Development of Elementary Education states: “Basic education is the foundation work for rejuvenating the country through science and education. It has the overall, basic and leading role in raising the quality of the Chinese nation, training talents at all levels, and promoting the socialist modernization drive Role. ”" This sounded the horn of the reform of basic education. The new curriculum standard is the embodiment of this decision. With the implementation of the reform of basic education, there has been a great change in the contents of high school chemistry textbooks. During the experiment, discovering problems, analyzing problems and solving problems can arouse students' awareness of participation and cooperation. Student group discussion to determine the program: the tube into the test tube solution slowly squeezed NaOH solution. At this point, the students' curiosity was stimulated, put forward a variety of ideas, I timely guide students to design new programs: Test tube first added FeSO4 solution, adding a certain amount of vegetable oil, Over NaOH solution, inserted below the liquid surface, drop-by-drop, finally observed white Fe (OH) 2 precipitation, and can maintain a period of time. Of course, in the process of this experiment, teachers can give students appropriate guidance and tips, such as the preparation of water vapor, heating devices and iron and water vapor reaction heating device, the order of heating, the students through their own experiments, observation , Analysis, contrast, thinking, thinking and other thinking and training operations, their knowledge, skills, interest in learning and cooperation with others spirit will be exercise and improve.
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