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在实际工作中,我发现有相当一部分量具检定人员对百分表示值误差检定的读数方法还不太清楚,有些人的读数方法甚至是错误的,乃至造成检定结果也错误,影响产品质量。对此笔者认为有必要借贵刊一角,再明确一下检定百分表示值误差时的正确读数方法。所谓错误读数方法,实际上是对反行程读数而言的。有人认为,反行程读数时反转方向指针不到受检点位置则读数为负;超出受检点位置则读数为正,即反行程受检点的示值误差是受检点相对于反行程起始位置的误差。 In practical work, I found that quite a few measurers of gauges are not sure about the method of reading the percentage error. Some people even read the wrong method, and even the test result was wrong, which affected the quality of the product. In this regard, I think it is necessary to take the corner of your publication, and then identify the correct readings when the percentage of error indication method. The so-called wrong reading method, in fact, is for the anti-stroke readings. Some people think that the anti-stroke readings when the direction pointer is less than the point under the test point is negative readings; beyond the point of the test point is positive readings, that the anti-stroke test point indication error is the test point relative to the anti-stroke The starting position of the error.
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1994年国家自然科学基金生态学科资助项目陈领,陆仲康(国家自然科学基金委员会北京,100083)ECOLOGICALPROJECTSSUPPORTEDBYTHENATIONALSCIENCEFOUNDATION(1994)遵循:“控制规模、提高强度... 1994 National Natural Science Foundation of China funded proj
在给水工程中,管网费用约占工程费的50%~80%,因而必须进行各种方案的比较。对于城市及工业给水,多采用环状管网,其计算甚繁。本文应用Super Calc 3软件包计算,可以迅速,精确地得
目的 通过 45例巨型血管瘤的手术治疗 ,阐明血管瘤选用手术切除是一种带有根治性的有效治疗方法。方法 ①术前放射数字减影 (DSA)检查 ,可明确诊断 ,了解病变范围 ,有利于